Can Character limits be added to text fields, specifically for a form?


I saw the post from 6/18/21 here:

However, the formula

=IF(Text@row >= 50, "Limit Reached. Please use less characters")

is creating an #UNPARSEABLE error.


Best Answer

  • edapel
    edapel ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Susie,

    Currently it is not possible to have a character limit in the text field of a form. They are limited to 4000 characters including spaces currently, but you cannot make it smaller. This is a good thing to put an enhancement request in, I know I would love to see this and I'm sure others would too.


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  • edapel
    edapel ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi Susie,

    Currently it is not possible to have a character limit in the text field of a form. They are limited to 4000 characters including spaces currently, but you cannot make it smaller. This is a good thing to put an enhancement request in, I know I would love to see this and I'm sure others would too.


    If this comment helped you, please help me and help others by using the buttons below if you found it💡Insightfulor❤️Awesome!

    Hope you have a great day!!


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