NEW! AI formulas, text and summaries tools available for Enterprise users

Allegra Silcox
Allegra Silcox Employee
edited 02/05/24 in Product Announcements

Hi Community, 

We have stellar news to share with you: AI tools for the Smartsheet platform have dropped! 

The AI tools panel is now generally available to Enterprise licensed users. It houses powerful new generative AI tools that integrate directly with your sheet data to unlock new insights and save time:

Stop wrangling formulas 

Answer questions and gain insights into your data by having a conversation and say =”goodbye” to syntax and code.

Create and uncover stories 

AI text and summaries can transform and analyze text from cells in your sheet. You can use it to craft summaries, translations, sentiment analysis, or even brand new ad copy and then add that output to the sheet

Get started by opening the double sparkle icon in the right rail of a sheet. The AI tools panel will allow you to select which tool you would like to use: generate formulas, or text and summaries.  

Feedback on AI tools:

  • Your feedback is especially important for features powered by AI. The Smartsheet product team uses your feedback and ratings to improve the feature to deliver better results.
  • Use the in-app upvote or downvote buttons to provide feedback on individual responses. Enter additional details into the comment box that appears to help us better understand why it was helpful or not and what you were trying to accomplish.
  • For more information on how Smartsheet protects your data, including your feedback responses, review our whitepaper

Learn more about Smartsheet AI tools

Environments availability: Commercial US

Plan type availability: Enterprise

Note: some orgs have chosen to opt out of AI at this time. If you do not see AI tools enabled in your account, check with your admin. 

We aren’t stopping with formulas and text; more AI tools are in development. You can also stay informed by subscribing to receive product release updates for curated news of recently released product capabilities and enhancements for the platform of your choosing, delivered to your inbox. As new releases occur, you will receive a weekly email with news of what's released every Tuesday. 

Happy generating!

Allegra Silcox

Sr. Product Marketing Manager, AI

@Olen Ronning @Eamon



  • Kariv
    Kariv ✭✭✭

    Will the AI features be available to Business Plan users eventually?

  • virgh
    virgh ✭✭✭✭✭

    I just watched the webinar "Become an AI Tools Pro" and had the following thoughts and observations...

    1. Can generative AI create a dashboard for this sheet?

    2. The example of Ad Copy translation to Spanish was not very good. Google translate did it better. Can you tell AI to use Google translate to create that Spanish translation?

    3. Why do you have to use "Regenerate" on each row - why can't you just apply that AI to the entire column (like where you apply a formula to the entire column?


    Virginia C. Hire Damrauer

  • Hi Virginia! Thanks for watching and asking.

    1. Not yet! AI tools currently in our Early Adopter Program as well on our roadmap will help users to generate pieces of and entire dashboards more easily using plan language prompts.
    2. AI tools are not guaranteed to provide accurate output and should always be checked for quality. AI tools do not offer any ability to connect directly to Google translate at this time.
    3. The ability to generate text for an entire column (like a column formula) is on our roadmap for the coming months. Watch this space!
  • I did not realize this existed…and found it accidentally. I usually come here to complain but WOW! This is a really great feature.