Merged: Lock a CELL
This discussion has been merged.
Adjust Column Width in Card View
It would be nice to adjust the width of the columns in Card View (like you do in Google Sheets). Some of my project subtask names are long, so you cannot view what it says (unless you hover over them with your mouse or double-click into the card). If I was able to widen/adjust each column, this would speed up my time…
Merged: Adjust Width on Card View
This discussion has been merged.
Modified SUCCESSORS() function to report more than just direct successors
WHY IS THIS USEFUL? This updated function would allow us to filter the spreadsheet for only the driving path to a particular row#. This would be similar to a filter for critical path, but enable much more flexibility. Current status: I've successfully generated a "Successors" column, listing direct successors of each row,…
Lock filters in reports
Allow report to lock filters but still enable editing for those it is shared with
Creating Periodic based off date stamp
Since the option to record a date in a work flow can not be added in before copying rows action there is a work around. First record a date when a date is reached, set to the conditions within the periodic. Finish by record a date, do not assign in this work flow or copy to a data base that is automated to distribute the…
Document builder error, when use two different languages in a cell
Document builder gives an error when using two different languages in a cell. It's okay if you only write in Korean. It's okay if you only use English. If you mix the two in one cell, the value will not be entered properly. Please fix it.
Need critical chain method
Project managers need the ability to use the critical chain method and fever charts.
DataMesh please utilize Column ID instead of Column Name
I often have issues with DataMesh breaking because it is mapping by column name, rather than columnID on the back end. Is there any way this can be updated so if I change a column name, it does not break our DataMesh workflows?
Data shuttle offload to Google Sheets
Hi can you please add file type google sheets to the offload file along with the existing excel and CSV. Many Thanks Shaun