Ability to have a condition that supports "Modified by" is/is not one of a "Contact List field"
Need the ability to create a condition such that it operates when "modified by" field is not another contact list field e.g. "Requester." This would allow me to setup an alert to notify users (e.g. Assigned To) when a change to a sheet is made but exclude them from notifications for the changes they make themselves. We…
Customize Widget Colors: individual colors per widget
The new enhancement that allows you to change the color of the Widgets is nice, but it would be nice if the widgets could each be a different color instead of all the same.
Merged: Retain Document Builder Mappings when Copying Sheet or Creating Templates
This discussion has been merged.
Querystring for autofill Enhancement
Currently we can use querystring parameters to autofill form values (e.g. https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/18f38f1ef40223457f7afe19cc0beba5d15?Field1=Value1%Field2=Value2) , which is an extremely useful feature. However, for authenticated forms, the querystring values are dropped during the authentication process if the…
JIRA connector to support custom hierarchies
The JIRA Connector does not currently support custom hierarchies above epic level that are created using Portfolio or Advanced Roadmaps Jira add-ons (such as Initiative, Program and Feature Porfolio fields). In order to sync data from the Issue Class -field, I want to create separate workflows for each JIRA Project type.
Conditional Formatting Affects Hyperlinks
Currently when using conditional formatting hyperlinks are not affected. It would look better if the hyperlinks are affected by the conditional formatting (for example greyed out when box is checked).
Merged: Dashboard_Button menu at top
This discussion has been merged.
More than 20 contacts in a cell for automated notification workflow
Data in SmartSheet are transformed into meaningful information for businesses. The preference of end users is to receive the information in their emails, instead of accessing the Smartsheet and reviewing the data, in order to piece together the information. By limiting a cell to 20 contacts, this reduces the potential of…
Transfer Sheet Folders When Merging User Accounts via user management console
Hello Support, Currently sheet folders do not transfer to a new primary account when using the user merge function, please include sheet folders in the current user merge tool within the user management console.
Merged: Add Custommizable Alias to Automated Email Sender
This discussion has been merged.