Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Smartsheet, I'd like the ability to leave notes, descriptions on my DataShuttles. Much like I'm able to on Dynamic View. This will improve communication between DataShuttle owners and the shared parti…
It would be helpful if a column description could be shown on the sheet as a row rather than indicated with an i. The work around is to use row 1 but this means, an additional column with a flag needs…
I would like to see a widget or report that would surface all the attachments to sheet, similar to a link, but designating a specific sheet to look for them. This way users of the dashboard can go dir…
It is crazy to me that you can not choose more than one criteria when in a Dynamic View filter. There isnt the usual and/or option within the filter Please fix this
It would be very helpful to export a list of people/emails shared to a WorkApp and their role to match up to company lists. We use groups as much as possible but we still have a ton of others listed. …
Hi Smartsheet, I'd like to be able to have folders of favorites in my favorites tab. This will help my organization greatly. (Mirroring internet browser bookmark organization styles) Thanks, Eric
I'd like a report the contains all the following information so I can manage enterprise licenses: Name Email Active/Deactivated Role License consumed? Last Login Date Group(s) We manage our license di…
Hello, I would like to be able to export directly to .MPP file for Microsoft Project instead of, or in addition to, .XML file. .XML files cannot open directly in Microsoft Project, instead they have t…
Any time I need to create a new sheet, I find myself entering the shared recipients line by line while referencing another sheet with similar permissions. It would be nice to just have a "copy all per…
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Smartsheet, I'd like the ability to leave notes, descriptions on my DataShuttles. Much like I'm able to on Dynamic View. This will improve communication between DataShuttle owners and the shared parti…
I would like to see a widget or report that would surface all the attachments to sheet, similar to a link, but designating a specific sheet to look for them. This way users of the dashboard can go dir…
It is crazy to me that you can not choose more than one criteria when in a Dynamic View filter. There isnt the usual and/or option within the filter Please fix this