Rollup text to parent based on MAX of another column *SOLVED
Hello- This is a look up of sorts. I have a list of files. Each time i receive the file it is logged with it's package name and date. I can MAX CHILDREN the date and it rolls up to the PARENT, however, I cannot figure out how to have the package name of the max date rollup. Any assistance is appreciated!
Embedding IFERROR into an existing formula
I need some help as to how to embed an IFERROR function into this formula: =IF([Group Contract Anticipated]438 = 0, "Gray", IF(ISBLANK([Deposit Due Date]438), "Gray", IF(ISDATE([Deposit Sent]438), "Green", IF(TODAY() - [Deposit Due Date]438 <= -10, "Green", IF(TODAY() - [Deposit Due Date]438 > -7, "Red", IF(TODAY() -…
Automating the Formatting of Cell Hierarchy
Is there a way to automate the formating of your parent and child rows? If I have 4 layers of heiarchy (h1 > h2 > h3 > h4), is there a way smartsheet can automatically formate each layer of heiarchy? For instance, telling smartsheet to make the top parent rows (h1) BOLD at 16pt font while making all h4 child rows…
Advanced Calendar App - Contact List
Hello, Just wanted to get some feedback regarding changing "contact list" fields in the Advanced Calendar Application. When i am editing "contact list" fields (such as a users name) directly in the advanced Calendar App, then press the "update" button so the information is updated in the related Smartsheets, i am getting…
Sumifs cross reference multiple criteria
Hello, I have a sheet where I am trying to reference multiple criteria from another sheet. For example I am looking for a count of Patient Fall with Injuries from a specific site. My formula is coming up as an incorrect argument. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? =SUMIFS({AOD Master Patient Care Events template Range 3},…
Extracting all instances of a word from a text string and creating a list in a separate cell
Hello all, I have been pouring through excel and smartsheet help forums for a couple of days now, and I haven't seen my issue asked or addressed so thought I'd ask here. I have, in one column called Terms, cells that contains lists of terms and phrases. For example, one cell contains the following text string:…
Feature Request: Barcodes & QR codes read/generate/print
Barcodes and QR codes are very useful for invenory management, and simply avoiding mistakes when entering data. They are also a great way to share things quickly (ala WeChat users) I think it would be great if we could add this into SS. 1. Ability to scan/accept Barcodes/QR codes - usually the easy part. 2. Ability to…
Change height of the column title (top) row
Is there a way to change the height of the column name row? Some of the column names are longer and I want to be able to wrap the column name. Appreciate your help.
Looking for help with nested IF and FIND
I'm looking to return text based on the content of a single, fixed cell, but I believe my syntax is bad. Column A, Row 1 could potentially be "Q3M1W1", "Q3M2W1" or "Q3M2W3" which would be entered manually by the user. I would like to have another cell display "M1W1" if A1 is "Q3M1W1" or "M2W1" if A1 is "Q3M2W1" or "No" if…
Auto Email Notification
We are using the automated email notification to notify all shared users of changes to a sheet on a weekly basis. The email received by the person who made the majority of the updates does not show their updates, yet these are shown on the email received by all other shared users. I've not come across this issue previously…