sorting problem
My Smartsheet keeps resetting to a seemingly random sort order each time I save. I've manually resorted the sheet using two criteria (the main column--Author--then another column--Title) but when I save and refresh, the sheet resets again. What can cause this?
Losing Data
One of the users of our sheet is randomly losing data he has entered, even after saving it. I went throught the steps given under the FAQ, and that has not helped. Also, his auto-save is set-up through his personal settings, and yet it is not auto-saving. Help!!
Day of the week formulas
How do I schedule repeating appointments on a specific day of the week; Ex: Every Mon at 10:00 First Tue of the Month at 09:00 I did not see the day of the week variable or formula. Thanks Alan Guggenheim
How to merge the tasks from multiple sheets for a single user ?
Hi I am uding smartsheet to manage the opening of stores in several countries and I invite my internal staff with our franchisee's staff in a a sheet which is a Micro-Planing with 175 tasks to be executed for a neat store opening. Since we are working worldwide, we have several openings happening in the same timeframe. On…
Resources for new users? Smartsheet has you covered.
Smartsheet has a great (and hilarious) video that highlights the variety of resources out there for new users. It's 2 minutes and 40 seconds of wisdom. Help us get the word out by sharing on your social channels.
Is there a way to update a submission?
If someone submits a form, is there a way they can update that submission without submitting a new request?
smartsheet and Enfocus Switch integration
I'm a new user and with my basic understanding I can see the potentential of Smartsheet and Switch downstream. For example the data from a form could be picked up by Switch using email notifications. My question; has anyone managed the reverse? Smartsheet accepting data from Switch and merging it with an existing sheet.…
Backup Reports & Templates
Hi Community, I've got backups under control... BUT what I've found from various options / systems is that the reports can't be backed up. Has anyone found a way to do this?
Reports Error
Hi all I have been using the same report now for a while and never had any issues tll now. I am running a report off a tooling equipment list and I have a date cell that automatically caculates when it is due for re calibration. The report I create is "if the recal date is today, overdue or in the next 28 days". Problem is…
Long Text from Web Form
I would like to save a long detailed text note from a webform into the discussion section of my Smartsheet and only the 1st 60 characters of that in a field called Title, using Smart sheet as an incident logging application