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How to merge the tasks from multiple sheets for a single user ?

steve rosenblum
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



I am uding smartsheet to manage the opening of stores in several countries and I invite my internal staff with our franchisee's staff in a a sheet which is a Micro-Planing with 175 tasks to be executed for a neat store opening.


Since we are working worldwide, we have several openings happening in the same timeframe.

On each of my sheets, I approximately have 30 people engaged in one or multiple tasks to execute. Some key stakeholders can have up to 30 tasks out of the 175 tasks.


Let's say we have 10 stores to be opened in the next 60 days, a key stakeholder would have 300 tasks to execute or follow.


I would like to generate a real-time document that could be the homepage when you log to smartsheet with all the task to be perform by "me" (ME being the staff that logs to smartsheet).


I am not sure that a report is the right way to go since it is a static document. I am looking for a "macro" sheet that is cascading all "my" tasks and where I can chane a status of each of these tasks and it would change the task in the respective sheet.


Hope that I am clear.




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