Can I automate emailing attachments?
I have an approval automation set up but it does not send the actual attachments when "alerting someone." Is it possible to create an automation that emails the files that have been added to rows? If not, has anyone found a workaround? I've seen others post the same problem, but I haven't found a solution yet. Thanks!
Can someone help me figure out why my multiple IF formula will not work?
=IF([PO Type]@row = "Standard With Quote", [Quote Amount (ESTIMATING)]@row - [PO Amount Including Change Orders ]@row),IF([PO Type]@row = "Non Standard No Quote", [Original PO Amount (Labor Only If Req) (PO Admin)]@row)) Everything is fine until I add the second "IF" statement. Thanks in advance.
Can't add a column to a sheet
I have the paid version (for years) of Smartsheet. For some reason on one of my sheets, I cannot add a column. Any help? Thanks! Jennifer
Sticker for ENGAGE 2022!
I wanted to showcase the sticker I created for ENGAGE 2022!
Countifs in date range and value range.
I am stuck on this formula, it doesn't become unparseable but it doesn't result in an accurate count. My goal with this is to is to keep an annual tally of a specific age range of patient the formula is as follows: =COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, <15) + COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, NOT(ISNUMBER(@cell)), {Trauma…
Formula for Milestone Health
I'm trying to figure out a formula for "Site Health". Each site has 9 milestones that will have a "Milestone Health" column. Each milestone must be completed a certain number of days before the project end date (October 31-22). I don't know how to create a formula to make the milestone health Green, Yellow and Red. At the…
Help with sorting numbers and letters that are combined in one cell?
I would like to sort by a column that has both numbers and letters in a cell. Such as 1, 1a, 1b, 1c. Right now if I sort it by it by the ascending option, it's able to do 1a, 1b, and 1c correctly, however it separates it from the numbers that don't have any letters. For example: This is what it does: 1 2 3 1a 1b 2a 2c 3b…
Sort by Date not working properly on sheet
I'm trying to sort by start Date but I notice Parent Rows (with Indented rows) don't sort properly with non-parent rows (rows without child/indented rows). I only applied the sorting format to sort Ascending by start date. Is there a way to fix this?
What formula would I use to read a date from another sheet?
I have a sheet that collects dates in a column "CO Internal Target", I want to be able to list that date on another sheet with a formula. It should be able to read the "Studio Code". Both of the columns are on both sheets. The sheet that I am wanting to read from is the "Location Tracker - SS", the sheet that it is going…
Organizing attachments
Hi, Is there a way to organize attachments, so I don't have to scroll through all my attachments? I saw a question like this from 2021 and was wondering if there was a solution. Thanks