Date rollback
Hi All I'm having difficulty with my date formula's. i have a few in a sheet that i'm using to display today's date and a range of important dates as well as auto adding figures =SUMIF({Tokoroa orders}, TODAY(0), ({Tokoroa Orders out Range 1})) and =TODAY() my issue is that unless i manually go into the formula page all…
How to create a future date based on a date in another column?
Hi, I am looking to create a formula in a column that automatically calculates the date of 12 weeks from the date of deposit column. Can someone please help with the formula? I keep getting errors. Specifically I would like the "estimated completion date" column to be the "date of deposit" column plus 84 days. Thanks! Keren
It seems service is restored? Is it stable? The Status page has not been updated and my email to the support center hasn't been answered yet.....but I am able to log back in. Is there any news on the root cause. This caused a huge impact to getting work done today in the system and I wasted a lot of my time on the help…
SUMIF formula for adding up in a date range
I have a sheet that I am using to collect a list of items weights and have multiple per day. i want to capture all the weights that are today and for the next 5 days and sum them up if possible. Currently i have tried this formula =SUMIF(Date:Date, <=TODAY(), [Qty (ton)]:[Qty (ton)]) but this includes all the past dates,…
Creating a Chart from Non-Numerical Data for a Dashboard
I would like to have a pie chart on my dashboard that displays percentage of types of activity from a column in a sheet. More specifically, I have a column in an IT tracking sheet that has a dropdown menu. I would like to be able to display on a dashboard the percentage of each activity in the sheet. (e.g., a pie chart…
COUNTIFS formula using dates excluding weekend days
I'm trying to figure out the correct formula for counting up the # of entries for a particular location with a "YES" or "NO" data entry for the previous date, TODAY (-1), that doesn't include weekends. For instance, if today=Monday, then the formula would need to search for the previous Friday date and count the # of…
Smartsheet Consultants Needed
Hi community, Our organization just purchased Smartsheet Enterprise License - and is looking for consultants to build the solutions which require API integration. We have contacted with Smartsheet internal team and they quoted us $12,900 + extra travel expense, just for 2 days on-site "discovery and planning workshop",…
Unable To Change Workflow Option To Run Hourly.
Hello, Is there a reason why my workflow will not save when I select to run it "Hourly"? The only option that works is "When Triggered". There is nothing that is telling my I need to add information (no red boxes). I click save and nothing happens.
SMART Sheets for branch audits
Can anyone support? I want to use smart sheets for auditing several branches in our company. Has anyone done this and can share an example?
Cross-Link Dependencies
2 issues How to cross-link dependencies between separate project management sheets How to see these cross-link dependencies in a summary sheet I looked into these 3 sites for cross-linking dependencies, but I've hit a wall with resource management https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/support-tip-cell-linking-master-gantt…