Date rollback

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hi All


I'm having difficulty with my date formula's. i have a few in a sheet that i'm using to display today's date and a range of important dates as well as auto adding figures

=SUMIF({Tokoroa orders}, TODAY(0), ({Tokoroa Orders out Range 1}))



my issue is that unless i manually go into the formula page all the dates roll back a day so the Today formula shows yesterday and so on...

im thinking that its my time zone but i have that setup correctly for New Zealand and when i open the sheet all the formulas correct themselves it just when left on their own they jump back and show old data on my dashboard... very frustrating. it doesn't do it straight away either, it can be hours before it decides to roll back..

Any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated



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