One template with scroll down options for different timings of tasks
Dears, As we know making formulas in duration time is not possible, so I'm looking for other option to make life easy in below scenario: We have several production plants, producing different product types and using different packaging pritnters which has influence on overall project timing for new product introduciton. I…
Set Target End Date first and have predecessors fill in
Is there a way to set the Target End date in a project sheet first and have all the preceding dates backfill? When I tried it, an alert comes up that says "…will result in the removal of all predecessor relationships in this row". I've looked into the Workback Schedule using the Project with Hard Deadline and Gantt…
Template Libraries
It would be really useful if both individuals as well as admins / system admins could create template libraries. Individuals could create and use their own templates across multiple workspaces. For companies, it would be very useful to have branded templates available that could be shared to everyone who is on the company…
DocuSign Integration/Generate Document Mapping Error
Hi all, I have been added into a Dynamic View Survey where I have to "Generate Documents" via Docusign. I go through the entire process successfully up until I select the DocuSign Template I want to use. These are the steps I take below: I go into Smartsheet > click on the survey sheet in question >click on the third row >…
Need suggestions for the BEST task-related template to use in Smartsheet??
There are several and I'm combing through them, but finding that none of them seem to have what I'm looking for. I manage a small marketing department and I want to be able to task out and track items that me and my staff will cover. This isn't only proposals, but other stuff too. I like the dashboards and can handle…
Automation Settings Should Be Kept When Saving a Template
Currently, If you update automation settings on a sheet, and then save the sheet as a template, the automation settings do not save. When using the template, all automation settings revery back to 'restricted'. All settings should carry over from the source sheet.
Dynamic View Template
We are needing the ability to create a Dynamic View template. Our organization creates many project schedules throughout the year, so a template would ensure consistency as well as simplify the process for creating new projects. Currently, I would have to create a dynamic view for each project, specify the columns shown,…
Workspace Panel View- make templates visible and accessible
Our project workspace structure includes 2 sheet templates that can be used to create additional sheets that conform to the column naming convention and column formulas that are used throughout the workspace, thus ensuring consistency in the workspace. However, these templates are not displayed in the workspace panel view…
Automations from a Template are now Broken in existing sheets
Hi Community! I'm having a problem with automations. I added new automations to my template that was originally used to create some existing projects. Once I added the automations to the template, existing projects immediately inherited the new automations and now they're ALL broken. See screenshots. When I tried to start…