Weather icon on calendar view
I have been using smartsheet for several years, and I would love to see on calendar view a weather icon for, al least, one week. Just like Microsoft Calendar. My projects depends on weather, so its pretty important knowing the forecast.
Formatting in Calendar App
When using bullet points in Calendar app, is there a way to break the line so that each bullet point would show in separate lines. At the moment, all content displays without line breaks in the Calendar App.
All Projects Overview/Scheduling
I am looking for suggestions and what other users utilize for an overview of all current projects within Smartsheet to prioritize and schedule. A summary report with a Gantt chart is just not sufficient enough to see how things are going within the business on all projects and the resources. We need to be agile and…
VLOOKUP Reference Vacation Calendar to Update Approver via Automated Workflow
Hi, I have an employee Vacation Planner sheet with a status column/formula that indicates whether an individual is currently on "PTO" based on today's date and whether it falls in the range of their vacation's start and end date. In a separate Smartsheet, we will be managing service tickets and certain types of requests…
Calendar App - Details view of multi-select fields
Hello! On Calendar App, I'm having an issue with multi-select fields not showing up on the details view when multiple items are selected. However, when only 1 of the multi-select options is chosen, it does appear on the details view. See screenshots attached. Any ideas? My workaround for now is to include the multi-select…
Go to date in calendar view
Hey all, I have one particular sheet that when opened in calendar view defaults June 2019 when the first item in the project is January 2021, this is frustrating because I have to scroll for a while to get to the date range relevant for the project. How do I jump to a particular date? Cheers, Joel Compton.
Calendar view on dashboard
Is there a way to set the default view of a sheet/report on a dashboard to calendar? (I don't have the Calendar App.)
How to get the dates for every "Monday" in a month
I am working on a Flex schedule tracking sheet for employees that would like to go into the office for set days during the month. The best way I can think to do this in a form is to allow the employee to select the days of the week they would like to work in the office from a Multi-Select dropdown. ie- Monday, Wednesday,…
Open Report Calendar View with Current Month
I can open a report in calendar view, but it opens on the first date in the report, and I want the ability to go forward or backward through the calendar. Is it possible to open and show the current month by default?
Dynamic calendar
I have setup a calendar in the Smartsheet calendar app but would like to use different source sheet using exactly the same calendar setup. Is there a way I can do this?