Hi, I am looking for the latest and greatest training information regarding how to sync your SmartSheet calendar with your outlook calendar. If anyone can help, please let me know. Thank you, Allison …
When a date is changed on an action, we would like for SS to be able to determine if the new date is Before or After the initial date. This would be a real game changer for tracking projects deliverab…
Hello, I am trying to create a report or calendar sheet with these weekly rotating roles: Weekly 1st shift Call Center (Mon-Sun) Weekly 2nd shift Call Center (Mon-Sun) Weekend On-Call 1 (Sat-Sun) Week…
I am designing a Scheduler in Smartsheet. It will be location and then have a central report view to see the whole schedule. Has anyone done this in Smartsheet before and can share some lesson learned…
I'd love the option to change the default view of a calendar in a Web Content widget on my dashboard! (I am linking a sheet, not a report.) Option to choose the default layout (currently defaults to 1…
When embedding calendars on dashboards, it defaults to a 1 Month view. For users of my dashboard this is very inconvenient because they will always need to change it to 1 Week for what data we are dis…
We have a machine we want our coworkers to start requesting, daily and hourly. So if Joe wants to use the machine, he could go to the calendar and see an empty time slot between 1pm-2pm and he would b…
Hello - I created a calendar and figured out how to make the calendar default to calendar view with shared users, however it is not picking up this view on a dashboard, it reverts back to grid view an…
It would be great if you could set up an automation to auto-collapse a row based on a status or a date that is in the past. I use a grid and calendar to breakdown payroll deadlines and reminders for a…
Smartsheet is great for planning events but when that date is added to an Outlook calendar, it shows up as a day event and not the specific time of the event. Not only does it look like a day event bu…