All Projects Overview/Scheduling


I am looking for suggestions and what other users utilize for an overview of all current projects within Smartsheet to prioritize and schedule. A summary report with a Gantt chart is just not sufficient enough to see how things are going within the business on all projects and the resources.

We need to be agile and prioritize projects based on the due date, resources capacity, total estimated hours per task/project, etc. so what is the best way for us to see this and adjust?

We do have 10,000 ft, however, that is not the most updated information as that doesn't automatically push updates of the completed tasks that were done by the resource.

Thank you for any help that can be provided.

-Ryan Henkel


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I use a project charter for every project that contains the important info such as overall % complete, pertinent dates such as start date and due date, etc.

    I then use cell linking to link each of those charters to a rollup sheet. Now I have all of the important data from every project in one location where I can run various metrics and reports to keep track of everything.