sum column and calculate total to hrs:min
I have a "duration" (used to track time involved) task field that I need to be sum and show on a report as hours:minutes. The column is a drop down field with numbers only in 15 min increments. example: 15 30 45 60 75 90 etc... Appreciate any replies.
Smartsheets for medical practices
Does anyone know if smartsheets solutions can be used to manage medical projects? This would include documenting information that would flow via api into an existing enterprise system.
change task color in filter calendar view
I'm sure this is very simple as I did it for one of my filters but not for the life of me can't figure it out again. Looking to change the color of my tasks in calendar view when I apply a filter. thanks Mike
Filtering with Start and End date views
I have filters setup to view different tasks on separate calendars. However it only shows the StartDate. Is there a way to enable EndDate as well?
Help wanted
We re looking for a subcontractor to assist in design and implementation of construction scheduling, task management, and resource allocation for a small construction company. Presently, working with Microsoft Project and need to revamp our solution with Smartsheet to be more detailed, efficient, and useable.
Working Days without Enabling Dependencies
Is there a way to plug in the Working Days criteria (non-working days, holidays, etc) without turning on Dependencies? I'm trying to build a sheet that recognizes weekends and company holidays as non-working days, but I don't need Predecessors or Duration columns. In the past I've enabled Dependencies then literally…
Calendar Formatting
Is it possible to change the formatting options on the calendar. When I print the calendar to PDF, the calendar days are light grey and can be hard to see for some employees. Am I able to adjust the colors, backgrounds, etc. of the calendar view? Thanks
Sum hours from multiple sheets based on date ranges
I'm looking to determine how many hours are assigned to specific stage for a given week. Goal being I have "X" number of man hours available for a given week and if I've assigned 300% of that this week but 25% of it next week I need to know I've got shift resources or tasks around. I've got report that shows me all the…
advancing dates (roll over)
I have a number of simple tasks that re-occur regularly. Is there an easy way to roll due dates over monthly, quarterly, or yearly?
Create Gantt from End to Start
Hello! As a project manager, I often find myself needing to make timelines starting with my end date. However, I have only been able to make Gantt charts in Smarsheet (with dependencies) that I can change the very first start date and then the durations, but I can't work backwards or change start dates to meet my needs! Is…