Automatically Adding Subtasks
I am working to create a Kanban Sheet and Cardview for continuous projects that we do in our office. We have the same subtasks associated with each client through 3 various phases. Is there a way that when I add a new client or Primary/Parent Task, that the same subtasks are automatically added? Thanks for your help!
Published card view not showing filters?
I'm using card view as an internal support ticket queue that the company can view. There are teams within the company and I want them to be able to quickly view their specific tickets without the other team tickets showing. Filters seem like the best solutions (there are other solutions but not as pretty) but when I…
Kanban (Subtasks)
I'm using Zapier to auto-create a task but I want the task to have subtasks as well and it seems like I can't do this through Zapier. Any idea on how I can set this up automatically, so that when a new task is created the same 8 subtasks is always added to any new task through Zapier?
Card View by Progress and assigned to category
Is it possible to setup Card View like a Kanban board that has 3 status columns (Not started, In Progress and Complete) and multiple row swimlanes (based on assigned to category). Thx
Card view - by assigned to return Parent name only
I'd like to create a Card view by Assigned to in Compact view The card should be created only by "Parent" name and "Children" should be part of the information received when clicking the error for more details. Is is possible ?
Cloning Filters
Hi! I am setting up smartsheet for different departments in a company. I have 10 filters in one sheet and need the same filters for a different team on another sheet. Is there a way I can clone the filters just as in conditional formatting to be used in other sheets instead of repaating the same process again? Thanks!
Default Parent via Form?
Is there a way in a form to choose a default Parent (Feature) and Grandparent (Epic) to help facilitate initial viewing in card view? Creating the story one at a time under the feature is a nice quick dirty way to create a placeholder story, but if you want to use a form to enter lots of information about the story it…
Two dimensional cards
Hi. When looking at the card view, it'd be useful to be able to see multiple dimensionality. For example, being able to see which cards each user has in which status. (see attached) Is there a way to set up that sort of view? (I have person and status both available in separate pulldowns) Matt
Card View: 'View by' Default when Publishing
Hello, I am sharing a card view using the following: Read Only - Full Available to anyone with the link Default View - Card Left Toolbard Display - Hide Toolbar When I share I have the View By: Status selection on the sheet itself. When you Preview or go to the link the View By defaults to the first drop down column on the…
Symbols and Dropdown list
Is there anyway to associate dropdown list with symbols for display in card view?