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Symbols and Dropdown list

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is there anyway to associate dropdown list with symbols for display in card view?



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Can you explain what you mean? For instance, if its red, then the drop-down would state red? Or if the dropdown is yellow it would state yellow? 

    You could use a formula in the dropdown column that pulls from the Symbol column. For instance. Set up your symbol column. RYG for instance. 

    Then set up a dropdown list column and set the names of your selection to Red, Yellow, Green.

    Then in the dropdown list cell enter the following formula: 

    =[RYG column name]1  -- assuming your column name has spaces and its row 1.

    Then your dropdown will take the same name as the RYG column. Then in card view you would have Red Yellow Green as an option. 

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday Community Champion

    Knowing which symbols you are using would be really helpful as well as different symbols use different verbiage to indicate which symbol is being used. 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Images can not be added to a Dropdown list. If that is what you are asking, please submit a Product Enhancement Request. It has been submitted before, but the more submissions, the more likely our voice will be heard.

    If you mean manually selecting an item from a dropdown list and have a corresponding symbols column respond, you are looking for a "nested if" - there are hundreds of Community posts that describe this -- search for "automate RYG" or this Help Center article:


    If you mean setting a Symbol and have a selection from the dropdown list auto-populate, then just reverse the thought process for automating RYG balls. However, I find that dropdown lists with formula tend to be overwritten manually, thus losing the formula unless the column is locked and the user is not an Admin. 



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