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Card view - by assigned to return Parent name only

I'd like to create a Card view by Assigned to in Compact view

The card should be created only by "Parent" name 

and "Children" should be part of the information received when clicking the error for more details.

Is is possible ? 


  • Pam Alakai
    Pam Alakai Employee


    Certainly! When clicking on the card view, you will want to navigate to the top right of the card and:

    • Click the View by list in the upper-right corner of the Smartsheet window and select the Assigned to option.

     view by

    The View by setting is unique to you. That is, others who view the sheet won’t be impacted if you select a different value in View by. Anyone with access to the sheet can choose to use a different View by setting as they see fit.

    • Then choose Level 1 to display the Parent rows. The children rows (subtasks) will be hidden at the bottom left corner like this: 


    And you will want to click on them to display them. 

    Learn more about how to set up your card view here: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2302238-using-card-view-to-visualize-your-project

    Kind Regards, 


    Smartsheet Technical Support Specialist 

  • Hi Pam,

    Thanks but that's actually not what I meant...

    In my Parent row I have Project name that assigned to the Project leader.

    In the Children row I have the task name (not the project name) and all the employees assigned to work on the project.

    In the card view I would like to see all the employees who worked on the project (Level 2) but to have the Project name (Level 1) on the Display.

    Is that possible?

    Thanks, Lior

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