I have a need to quickly go to an automation and modify it based upon some incorrect event happening in the sheet. My thought was to create a matrix, in a separate sheet, with automation names vertica…
Hello, We have project names, resources, and project managers all listed on the same row with the hours worked on particular days. I'd like to build a report, or a sheet that only shows rows if hours …
HI - I am putting together meeting schedules (or at least trying to) as it would be helpful - then the calendar view would have the date AND time rather than just the title of the primary column. I lo…
Hi! I was hoping someone might be able to assist me with a crazy idea and see if it's possible or if there would be a better option. Here it is: I'm wanting to create a single source sheet that would …
To move specific column values from my source sheet to another sheet, I can't use a lookup formula because the entries in the source sheet are constantly changing and not permanently established. In m…
Is there a way to edit the cells where a column formula is used? I am trying to link information from 1 database to another via a INDEX MATCH formula, so we don't have to re-write info 2 times. Howeve…
Hello I set up an order form that contains all the items available to have their own column and as mandatory fields the user enters their name, email, managers name & email. This allows the user to co…
Many of us, if not most, use one or more helper columns to achieve the Sheet functions that we need. Good practice is to hide the helper columns (when possible) so that the sheet user isn't bombarded …
Hi there, I have a sheet with 8,000 rows. In the sheet, each row has a task, task start date and task end date. When someone adds a start date to the first task, the rest of the dates are calculated w…
I would like to be able to change column types without having to delete conditional formatting rules. Currently I have 20 columns that I want to change from Text/Number to Dropdown List. They each hav…