When working with a Dropdown List, it would be nice to be able to limit users to selecting X number if we have the "Allow multiple values per cell" option selected. Here is a concept art of what I'm i…
I'm trying to do a workaround to adding multiple rows from the same form. I created a new sheet that has columns for requests 1-10. I want to pull certain columns from that sheet to move to a new shee…
If a dropdown list can have multiple values in a cell it adds an option to 'Select All'. There should be an option the in properties to hide this where selecting all values makes no sense.
Dear Smartsheet team, I would like your input on the following topic: We have created a Workspace for one of our customers, that contains a master sheet that stores Tactics, with various different col…
Hello! Has anyone figured out a way to load a column of emails or names, any combination really, into a contact column on a sheet where the user's first and last name appears rather than just the user…
It would be helpful if a column description could be shown on the sheet as a row rather than indicated with an i. The work around is to use row 1 but this means, an additional column with a flag needs…