Hyperlink in a Request Update form
I am looking to see how I can insert a Hyperlink into a Request Update Notification.
Is there a way to include a hyperlink in an update request when they open the update form button?
Cell Reference Limitation
We're tracking different divisions within our company on separate sheets. We’ve created summary sheets that reference other smartsheet tabs and we’re consistently hitting the 100 distinct cross sheet references limit when building summary sheets. We figured out how to compile the information for each division via the…
INDEX and MATCH #invalid value error
Hi! I'm trying to apply a formula we got to work in Excel to our Smartsheet. The goal is to look at a range (Column "1" through Column "Column64") in a single row and find the non-blank cell farthest to the right and return the value from the same column in row 2. (Row 2 was created to replicate the name of the column…
Gantt Chart Revenue Forecasting
I've built a sheet with all of our active projects and am wanting to predict revenue. I am wondering if I can add expected revenue to milestones in a gantt chart and have it report monthly expected income as a report or on the chart itself somehow? I really just need a monthly total of expected revenue as I pile more and…
Populate Start/End Date based on Status change
I use the Card View for quickly creating tasks and tracking their status/state. I'm trying to see if it's possible to take this further and populate the Start Date and End Date fields when the task first enters a specific state. See screenshot attached.
Best way to add data to a project
I have all kinds of data to add to a project, .From address to the people outside the group who's information we need. Size of building, no of seats, building inspector name and contAct information etc. I home one project smartsheet per project
Report Sheet Scope Limit
I am receiving a notice that our reports have 302 sheets in scope and that it is recommended that the scope be reduced to 250 for better performance. Does anyone have insight into what performance issues having too many sheets create, and any workarounds? Is there the ability to improve whatever is causing that limit? We…
Adding a Title to a COUNTIF formula
I am looking for guidance as I feel like I am missing something really simple. I would like to be able to have a title(label) included in my COUNTIF statement. This is the total count formula I have for the parent row: ="May 2018" + " (" + COUNT(CHILDREN()) + ")" This formula displays in the cell as May 2018 (3) ~~~~~~ I…
Nested IF using additional AND logical functions
I am struggling with creation of formula for defining tasks status (Green, Yellow, Red). Getting the UNPEARSEABLE or INCORRECT ARRANGMENT SET error messages. My formula is right now as follows: =IF(ISBLANK([RESPONSE DATE]88); "Gray", IF([RESPONSE DATE]88 <= [ORIGINAL DUE DATE]88; "Green", IF(AND([RESPONSE DATE]88 >…