Edit contact display?
Hi Do you know if you can edit the display of a contact in an assigned to column? Ideally I just want to see the initials in the icon and not the name/ email that follows. Thanks, Jo
Filling a Contact List from another sheet
Hello everyone, I have a sheet that has a list of all of the managers and supervisors in my organization and I keep it updated monthly. I have another sheet that has a Contact List field and I am trying to see if there is a way to connect the Contact List field to the Sup/Mgr sheet, so that it automatically updates when I…
How to extract email address from a contact list the use the value in an adjacent column
Up until now, I have copied/pasted the email address manually. Nevertheless, our database has grown so much. I've tried the below formula: =IFERROR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID([🎓 Student]@row, FIND("<", [🎓 Student]@row) + 1, FIND(">", [🎓 Student]@row) - FIND("<", [🎓 Student]@row) - 1), "<", ""), ">", ""), "") but after…
How would I parse out a contact field with multiple contacts
We have multiple projects, each with their own project plan sheet. On each sheet we have the usual project plan columns, Start Date, End Date, Duration etc. We also have an Assignee (resource) column that is a multiple contact type. This works well on the project plan. However ... We have the same resource on multiple…
Set Contact field display type to name or email
When using Assigned To or any other contact field across a large number of sheets, and then aggregating that data in a report or pivot that groups by the contact field, it becomes quickly painful that the same contact appears as both their email address and their name, depending on how someone entered them into the Contact…
I started a Smartsheet trial yesterday. What I really need is to be able to SPEAK to someone personally about this application! There is no contact number available for "trial users". One found on Google does not work. And any email (3) that I was able to find was either unmonitored or no longer active! How can a…
Index/Match Formula Referencing Contact Columns Providing Wrong Values
I need help with a formula. Since there is no way to cross-check against a group in a sheet, I have created a sheet listing all users of a particular group and am trying to use a cross-sheet reference formula in my intake sheet to be able to identify when a requestor is not already in the group so that I can add them for…
Contact list in Smartsheet after importing data
I am running into an issue where I import a group of names assigned to a certain task in Smartsheet. The list of names comes from an excel spreadsheet as multiple agencies must provide their inputs and not all have Smartsheet access (the Smartsheet in question is only for my agency's use). Well after importing the updated…
Contact List Functionality in Forms
I've noticed this request a few times over the years, but still don't see that Smartsheet has addressed this. When using sheets, the "Contact List" column works wonderfully and will populate any user within our Smartsheet account when you begin typing a name. However, when attempting to use this within a form, it DOES NOT…
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!