Formulas and Functions

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How to extract email address from a contact list the use the value in an adjacent column

Up until now, I have copied/pasted the email address manually. Nevertheless, our database has grown so much. I've tried the below formula:

=IFERROR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID([🎓 Student]@row, FIND("<", [🎓 Student]@row) + 1, FIND(">", [🎓 Student]@row) - FIND("<", [🎓 Student]@row) - 1), "<", ""), ">", ""), "")

but after hitting enter the value on the adjacent column appears blank.


Best Answer

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I was able to do this but had to add an additional column to the sheet. I have the contact column, text contact column, then a third to extract the email address. I populate the contact in the first column, do a simple copy/paste into the second (text), and have a column formula for the 3rd that extracts the email only using this:

    =SUBSTITUTE(MID([Text Contact]@row, FIND("<", [Text Contact]@row) + 1, LEN([Text Contact]@row) - (FIND("<", [Text Contact]@row) + 1)), ">", "")


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