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Contact List Functionality in Forms

I've noticed this request a few times over the years, but still don't see that Smartsheet has addressed this. When using sheets, the "Contact List" column works wonderfully and will populate any user within our Smartsheet account when you begin typing a name. However, when attempting to use this within a form, it DOES NOT work as Smartsheet users want. Currently, I use a workaround of using a "created by" column within the sheet so it auto populates with the user e-mail address that is submitting the form, then I still have to manually go into the sheet and type the name within a "Contact List" column in order to get automations to work as needed.

Will this ever be addressed so we can use a "Contact List" column within a form that will flow into a sheet and allow for proper automations? For years, Smartsheet users have been asking for functionality that will allow us to use a "Contact List" column within a form and it be automatically tied to all users within our account when submitting via a form, just like how it functions in normal sheet view. Will this functionality ever be available to Smartsheet users?

63 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated

We love this idea too, and understand the request to have parity between how contact options appear in sheets and what shows in a form contact dropdown list. While this is not a part of our current roadmap, we will adjust the status here when we have an update for you.



  • Currently there is no way to expand contact submission in form beyond manually adding each contact. This is incredibly inefficient and prone to constant updating / tweaking. It would be a significant improvement to allow that contact list to allow groups and everyone on the license.

  • Melitta
    Melitta ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/31/24

    I work at a University and would appreciate it if our form users were able to access names from a contact list that pulls from our Active Directory. It's not feasible to set up a list of contacts for each form.

  • Chizu Hieida
    Chizu Hieida Overachievers
    edited 10/20/23

    Currently I have to list each one of the contact if I want to appear names in the Drop down section in the Form.

    Otherwise form will not be drop down selection like below and it's blank.

    I don't want to have to list / chose ALL users constantly especially we have more users every week.

  • Cathy Salscheider
    Cathy Salscheider ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/05/24

    Totally agree. Esp when the form is provided to a large but static group of people to use. I really don't want to try to type everyone's email in, as I have not doubt someone will get setup wrong. Just hit this today so totally onboard!

  • Chizu Hieida
    Chizu Hieida Overachievers
    edited 06/05/24

    For this, I had to use Dynamic View instead as form. (Because to be able to select multiple users at ease was more important) However, there are functions works better (Form Logic) than Dynamic view.... so ... well .. I want both good parts of the form & Dynamic View Functions! 😁

  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    It'd be really nice if they could create a contact on a form honestly if it doesn't already exist.

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.

  • a.antuzzi
    a.antuzzi ✭✭
    edited 11/22/23

    I would like my form to shows all the existing users in the contacts list... instead of force me to add manually each contact from the contact list to the selectable options.

  • Connor Hartford
    Connor Hartford ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'd love this as well. I think if it was just connected to a group user list, that already exists, that'd be very easy.

    Connor Hartford

  • Nate H
    Nate H ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've seen requests on this as far back as 2019. It needs to be slotted. The lack of this functionality impairs the ability to do some automations.

  • When using a contact list column in a form, none of the contacts appear in the form. This is a serious limitation since we don't want the user to spend time typing in email addresses and then also having the risk of mis-spelling, confusion and frustration.

  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/05/24

    Do you have a pre-made list of contacts entered in the Column Properties of the contacts column? One of my most-used forms is for a sheet with a Contacts type column, and those contacts do show up as dropdown options in the form.

  • Rachel Beck
    Rachel Beck ✭✭✭✭

    Throwing in my vote for this too. We have a ticketing system where our employees can submit IT tickets or request enhancements. Using the created by column works, but if the employee wants to include additional people in the ticket's updates, manually typing in the email creates room for error. I wish the form had an option to type in contacts similar to how it functions on a sheet.

  • CAS the CSA
    CAS the CSA ✭✭✭

    This is horribly ineffective. Are there no plans to remedy this in the near future and have functionality?

  • Same,

    When submitting a form with the owner or assigned to column (contact list) even if the submitter types the name correctly, the resulting cell doesn't have the correct contact information so that email updates or notices are not properly sent. Top is what I have to manually change each cell to. Really wouldn't take much coding to make this work correctly.

  • Same same here ! I don't want to maintain manually a dropdown list everytime we have a new employee. That's what the CONTACT LIST is for ! You enter it ONCE in the user management and it can be used through the contact list columns EVERYWHERE in SMARTSHEET. It just makes no sense that it's not available in form. Please pleasssse, fix this issue a soon as possible !

    Tx !!