Hello, I have a contact column from which I'm trying to extract the email address. I've seen instances where a helper column is created that is set equal to the primary contact column and the helper c…
Hi, I'm trying to revise a formula and am a bit stuck on how to do it. I would like to pull resource utilization information from my Project Plan into a Team sheet (and no, we don't have the Resource …
Is there a way to convert / extract the email address from the values in a column set up as a contact? I have a need for the email address associated with contacts. Thanks
Scenario: we are using smartsheets as a single-source tool for job/position requests. Each request submitted creates a row and all information pertaining to that request is held within that row. We ne…
Hi All, Is there a reason why the Contact List on the Dynamic View must be restricted from putting names on the dropdown? If it is not restricted, it will only show the Users within your plan. This is…
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to…
Hi Do you know if you can edit the display of a contact in an assigned to column? Ideally I just want to see the initials in the icon and not the name/ email that follows. Thanks, Jo
Hello everyone, I have a sheet that has a list of all of the managers and supervisors in my organization and I keep it updated monthly. I have another sheet that has a Contact List field and I am tryi…
Up until now, I have copied/pasted the email address manually. Nevertheless, our database has grown so much. I've tried the below formula: =IFERROR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(MID([🎓 Student]@row, FIND("<"…
We have multiple projects, each with their own project plan sheet. On each sheet we have the usual project plan columns, Start Date, End Date, Duration etc. We also have an Assignee (resource) column …