I have a sheet that I built for year-end performance reviews. The sheet is designed for one person. My company has 50+ employees and it would be great if I can run some sort of macro/app that would ta…
Is there a way to send an Update Request based on a Contact List column? I have a large group of people and I need them to update their personal contact information. Rather than filling it out new eve…
Is it possible to assign a contact to more than one task at the same time? I have a sheet with 65 rows - there are contacts with multple tasks so trying to avoid having to pick from the list on each s…
Hi, I'm looking for a formula to clear the contents of a column daily (preferably at a specfiic time). To give you an idea of what it is being used for; My sheet has a list of contacts and a yes or no…
I have set up a smartsheet where by the 'assigned to' is alerted by email when a task is due. However sometimes the 'assigned to' needs to be more than one person therfore i have to amend my columns t…
We are trying to find a way to track our purchasing process. I have created a sheet with a web form, but am having trouble with the approvals part of our process. Typically the purchaser would fill ou…
How do I export the names/emails of collaborators who have access to a Workspace? I need to send an MS outlook email to all collaborators of an existing workspace (over 70 ppl). In an effort to save t…
For Example, when John's row is edited, send him and alert. But when Joe's row is edited, do not send John an Alert, instead send one to Joe. Right now I can only send alerts by column. If SS does not…
Hey, I am unable to import .CSV file with cotacts information to My Smartsheet contacts. I get an error saying: "The file "test.CSV" is not a valid contacs CSV file. No E-mail column was found. Please…