Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Imported Contacts

I have an excel import that has names of persons. I need a contact list to generate items, dashboards, reports, etc.

How can i make the imported column with names a contact list so that when it is updated upon a refresh it will not affect the contact list.

or do i need to create a different contact list/column? if so, how do I match the imported column to automatically generate the contact column with the same name?


Imported Column indicates: John Smith

Contact List Column to indicate: John Smith

Best Answer

  • Overachievers Alumni
    Answer ✓


    To import properly from excel to contact column in smartsheet you need email address which is more important then name so to properly have contacts in your excel the data should be: John Smith <> or

    Tomasz Kowalski

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    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.


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