Hello! I'm new to smartsheet. I was wondering if there was a way to click on a company name and have it display all of the contacts associated with that company? I understand that you can link cells a…
Hi, I want to send update request automatically to shared users of that particular sheet after the % completion column is 100%. Please guide me, how it is possible. Thanks.
I am relatively new to Smartsheet. I need someone to help setup Smartsheet to manage our book production schedule. We publish books (print and e-) and have managed our production schedule for many yea…
I have created groups and when I add a member from my Smartsheet contacts, the new user is shown at the top of the list instead of in alphabetical order and the name of the user is not shown only the …
Hi, we have this problem: antispam is blocking our notification e-mails becouse of the part of e-mail header, where reply to address is the one from the user who did the changes the notification email…
One of the ways our team uses SmartSheet is to maintain customer training records, which are frequently referenced by other departments in our company. These all live in workspace, and I added as many…
I use Smartsheet to remind myself when to send various emails to different contacts. I would like to be able to set up a list of contacts for each sheet complete with email addresses (and phone number…
I am a grant writer at a nonprofit and my development team uses smartsheet. I am at the beginning stages of using smartsheet and want to use it for EVERYTHING related to my grant writing (calendar, de…
I have read the articles on this topic and have tried saving in as many formats as I possibly can. All colums are named and in order as suggested (unless I am overlooking an error) Please help, I cann…
Hello, New to Smartsheet. We would like to utilize a web form to allow customers to place orders/requests whereby the web form would populate the smartsheet for ONLY OUR INTERNAL visibilty/tracking of…