How do I pull the fourth, fifth and sixth name from a multiple-contact column?
In Smartsheet I have a contact column (Project Support) that can have up to six contacts (first name + last name), for example Jane Doe. I then have six other Test/Number columns that pull the first contact, the second contact, the third contact, the fourth contact, the fifth contact and the sixth contact. The first…
V Lookup formula for importing Contact List broke and I don't know why.
So I have a reference sheet of contacts and their assignments. I made a different sheet to assign tasks as they come in and set up an equation to look up and auto assign. It looks like: =VLOOKUP([Rule Number]@row, {Committee Range}, 2, false) So when a task came in and it matched the rule, it would assign the person in the…
Imported Contacts
I have an excel import that has names of persons. I need a contact list to generate items, dashboards, reports, etc. How can i make the imported column with names a contact list so that when it is updated upon a refresh it will not affect the contact list. or do i need to create a different contact list/column? if so, how…
Can I use a Contact column in one sheet to populate options for a Contact field in another sheet?
Hi all! I manage a sheet with a very long list of employees (500+) who have signed up for a program. I'm trying to create another sheet so that the program administrators can easily fill out a form to identify when an employee participates in a development event. I'd like the form to have the contact list from the master…
Mapping Azure AD Groups to Contact Groups with SCIM
I must dynamically provision contact group memberships from dynamic groups in Azure AD based on departments or projects. I usually use SCIM to map AAD groups to application groups in other enterprise applications. I don't see this ability in Smartsheet and would like to request this as a new feature. I would also be happy…
Generate Documents - Can contact names be filled instead of contact email address?
Hi there, Hope all is well. Hope someone could help. I have created a fillable pdf to be used with the new "Generate Documents" feature. It works great except for one issue. When I map the "Assign to" field or any contact field, it fills the document field with the contact email address and not the contact name. Is there…
Copying Contacts into a Smartsheet Contact Column
When using the Salesforce Connector, there was an unintentional overwrite of cells in a contact column in my Smartsheet table. I have an exported file in Excel which has all the contact names (First and Last) that I could copy/paste into the Smartsheet contact column. I have tried copying this data in a group of column…
Contact List Rollup
I have a multi-select contact list column for assigning tasks to team members. I want the contact(s) assigned in the child row(s) to roll up to a master set of contacts for the parent row(s). However, when I try =JOIN(CHILDREN(),", "), I end up with a list that has blank items separated by columns and duplicated names if…
Fillable Drop Down or similar?
Hi There! I am looking to create a smartsheet where staff can input multiple names without having to do multiple forms back to back. For example the question would be: who took the class? and then the staff would input names that would populate onto different lines int he database. Can I do that with drop down? Or contact?…
How do I pull the second name from a multiple-contact column?
In Smartsheet I have a contact column (Project Support) that can have up to three contacts (first name + last name), for example Jane Doe. I then have three other columns that pull the first contact, the second contact and the third contact. The first contact column is Project Support 1 and the formula is =LEFT([Project…