Multi-Tier Blueprints
How do you enable multi-tier blueprints in control center? Do you have to create a new program first with it enabled, or can you enable the multi-tiered option on existing programs? Thanks,
Delete project in Control Center
I'll like to have the option to delete a project created with Control Center, Until now we only have the choice -archive
Control Center: Verify-automation error
We are no longer able to auto-provision projects through our Control Center Blueprint. Looking at the automation logs shows "Error! undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass config[:project_types][project_type]" Anyone know what this means and how to resolve it?
Can Bridge Publish a Dashboard?
I'm working on a team member onboarding solution, and it needs to be automated as much as possible to avoid delays. Once a team member is approved for hire, I'll automatically spin up a new hire project in SCC, which includes a dashboard with resources for that specific new hire. I would love to have it populate the…
Control Center: Blueprint Creation - Smartsheet summary
When creating a new multi-tier blueprint and selecting "linked to a parent project" on the 'Blueprint Basics' screen, after I get through answering all of the other questions and get to the 'Blueprint summary' screen, I don't see my Rollup/Summary sheet as an option on the "Blueprint Summary Sheet" drop down. The…
Link Resource Management "Phase" of a project to data in Smartsheet
It would be useful if a project's "phase" could come from a cell in Smartsheet so the phase of a project doesn't need to be updated in two different places. Example: A project moves from Planning to Execution. As a PMO Manager, I would like to be able to update that in the Smartsheet Portfolio Rollup Sheet for that…
Connection between Data Table and Control Center
I have a lot of project data stored in a data table. As I have Control Center generate new projects, I would like to be able to pull reports or information from Data Table to populate sheets in the project. This would include creating a table connection table to a sheet in my Blueprint, then having it populate the…
Moving a project to another blueprint in Control Center
To setup Control Center Portfolio WorkApps, you have to start with a new blueprint. Short of having to re-spin up assets, it does not appear there is a way to transfer a project from one blueprint to another in Control Center. For Example - you have Blueprint x that pulls from Intake and outputs to Master Project List. To…
What is the Required checkbox on the Customize Profile Data page of Control Center for?
I'm curious what the Required checkbox on the Customize Profile Data blueprint setup page of Control Center for? Does it control anything specific? Never been entirely sure so I figured I'd ask to see if anyone can explain it. Thank you!
Create Bridge Trigger when Project Created in Control Center
There is no way to automatically add a trigger in bridge. If we were to create a bridge workflow that updates a control center created project, we would have to manually update the triggers in Bridge every time a new project is created. It would be helpful if Control Center could be integrated with Bridge in a way that a…