Hello everyone 👋, I want to count the number of non-duplicate values in a column with the text type. In this case, I'd have a formula such as =COUNTIF in the [Customer Requirement]:[Customer Requirem…
I am trying to count all instances of a name where the corresponding status is Open or Tracking. My formula is =COUNTIFS({Coordination Log - Autumn Willow Range 1}, "Chris Rush", {Coordination Log - A…
Looking for any advice, guidance, on calculating unchecked boxes. I would like to use summary data and post to a dashboard for review and status of how many unchecked rows. However, it counts the adde…
Hello all, just me again with another Count IF question!!! I was curious if anyone could assist with a question of mine. I am using 2 Sheets. On Sheet A I have Audience Names that I am trying to match…
Hi All, A client wants to be able to see how many calls were logged in thier current working week . However the working week begins on a Friday 00:00am and ends Thursday 11:59pm. I'm after a formula t…
Hello, Smartsheets Gurus! I am building a formula to reference another sheet {ISIR Pulls 2023-2024, Column EX Major (Range)} with two different EX Majors within the range I'm trying to total up. The t…
Hi All, A client wants to be able to see how many calls were logged in thier current working week . However the working week begins on a Friday 00:00am and ends Thursday 11:59pm. I'm after a formula t…
Hello all!!!; I am trying to search in rows across 2 columns for a specific condition that I want to count the total number of. These columns are in the same sheet (See attached). My formula that retu…
Good Afternoon all, hoping for some assistance with this formula I am putting together. For my Number of Dealers Column on Sheet 1, I am trying to get a formula to count the number of Dealer ID's that…