Hello! I don't yet see this question put out there, so here we go: I have a column that has both negative and positive values. I would like to create a formula that counts how many negative values exi…
I have been looking at the various conversations on using a COUNTIFS with an embedded CONTAINS function, but have had no success getting it to work. In the below formula I want to count "FAA Domestic"…
I have a use case where I have a list of dates and need to count the number of rows that do not have a date in the column. For example, 12/01/23 12/02/23 12/03/23 Active 12/05/23 Not Active 12/07/23 (…
Hi, I am trying to write a formula that allows me to count the number of dates that have the current month. Have tried a few formulas and the only one I can get to work is the following however; I don…
Hello everyone, I am trying to count in a sheet the number of items greater than 0 and it is suddenly giving me a divide by zero error. This formula had been working but is now broken. Help, please. F…
I have a summary where I countif if a checkbox is ticket. I want to add a condition where it should only count if another column is empty. How do I go about? Checkbox Column: B Columnt D must be empty…
This is the formula I am trying to use with reference to another sheet. Range 5 I want to only count if ticket status is "resolved" and Range 6 if in the month of Dec 2023. Error "Unparsable". =COUNTI…
Hi! I am trying to build a formula in which I can count an item from a list as long as it meets 2 criteria: 1- Item submission is in JANUARY 2- A dropdown selection is "No" I truly cannot wrap my head…
Hello, I am creating a dashboard which needs to show the status of all the projects (children rows) that fall under the subheading (parent rows) of "resourcing", "data strategy" etc... Currently, my m…
The formula I tried to use isn't working to read what I need it to... Using =COUNTIF({Q1 - Strengths}, "Accountability") hasn't done it correctly. I used =COUNTM({Q1 - Strengths}, "Accountability") bu…