How to display multiple dashbards on monitor or Display device as a slide show
Hi We have build a number of dahsboards of differnt natures (sales, finance, safety etc) and wish to display these dashboards on some display devices (large monitor etc). What will be the best way to do that? I can dispaky single dashboard but not multiple in a slide show way. Anurag
Dashboard Chart
Hi, Anyone saw this error before when trying to add more than 4 columns and 5 rows? "Selected data cannot be charted" Thank you!
Create a simple table for dashboarding
Hi What's the easiest way to create a very simple table which contains a summary of data from a grid which collects survey responses for dashboarding I want to be able to create a summary by "Account" with a count of various statuses [see example below] Account Open Closed Apple COUNT Account = Apple & Status = Open COUNT…
Unable to select data range for a dashboard chart
I am trying to insert a chart on a dashboard, using a report as the data source. However, when I select the report it does not allow me to select the data range I want (it defaults to select the entire report). What's more, it won't even let me click on the "OK" button! See screen shot: I have even tried adding a report…
Linking Microsoft Documents to Smartsheet Dashboard / Works
Hi, I am trying to link ppt and a word document on a smartsheet dashboard and workapp. I am getting the following error how can i resolve this? Thanks!
Start and end date line chart
Hi Team, Can anyone help me how can I create a line chart based on below information. I
Dashboard Widget Source - Template Project Tracking and Rollup
Hi, I'm using the Template Project Tracking and Rollup. On the Dashboard that comes with it, I'm unable to find out the cells in the source sheet that are populating the section "Add Project Contacts". It seems as though it's hidden somewhere. Any tips? Best,
I need to SUM points based on user and then sort by aggregated points
I have a sheet similar to the one below: I need a way to display my results like this: I can create a report but it won't sort it based on the aggregate function. Any help would be much appreciated.
Dashboard access via link not showing the user as logged in.
So, I am having an issue with my published dashboard. I have embedded a report utilizing the current user function. I have found that when my team accesses the dashboard by manually navigating to it through SmartSheet, the report works perfectly and they are able to view it. However, when they use the published link (which…