Ability to have more then one owner of pivots and data shuttle files
If a person who owns these files is on PTO or unexpectedly OOO, there is no way to do updates if needed. Please allow for this update.
Data Shuttle: use file name in OneDrive
OneDrive uploads on a schedule do not work unless a file is updated in OneDrive as it looks for the ID and not the file name. Give the option to use a file name and not the ID. Google Drive does not have this issue.
Ownership of sheets and workapps
I have been working for sometime on a collection of sheets, datashuttle workflows and a bunch of other things and have recently published them via a workapp, how do I make sure that ownership of these objects is not just limited to me to make sure that it doesnt "die" if my account gets limited, removed or otherwise…
Pivot Sharing
I've developed a couple Pivots and Data Shuttle processes to do some data manipulation on a monthly basis. Unfortunately, I can't share these processes with others on my team--I can only transfer ownership completely. This is a pain point when we have scheduled vacations or just need someone to cover something in an pinch.…
Improved Data Shuttle Error Messages
Hi Community, We’ve released a new tool to help with troubleshooting in Data Shuttle! Previously, there have only been two options for error messages and icons in Data Shuttle: a green checkmark when everything is functioning correctly and a red “!” hexagon when a workflow completely fails. To help better identify a…
Data Shuttle Field Sorting Now Available!
Hi Community, We’ve heard your feedback about how it can be difficult to locate specific Data Shuttle workflows when you have a large number of workflows built. As a result of this feedback, we have released several Data Shuttle dashboard changes to improve this user experience, including pagination and Data Shuttle…
Data Shuttle Functionality?
I can't find any documentation, nor have I successfully produced the result I am looking for. My question is, are you able to use data shuttle and import an excel workbook with multiple tabs of data and have each tab map to its own, unique sheet in Smartsheet?
Data Shuttle and Smartsheet Attachment workflow is not working
When source location is a Smartsheet attachment, I get the following error "Please select source in order to see dropdown menu". The original workflow was having intermittent issues and then broke completely. Tried to build a new workflow and that is is when the error message appeared. The band-aid solution is time…
Data Mesh and Contacts
I've been having a bit of a struggle. I have a Contacts column. If I enter an employee's email address, it auto-completes to the contact "card". However, if I use the contact column as the unique identifier between sheets for a data mesh, and the other sheet has email addresses entered via form (that do not automatically…
Data Shuttle - Multiple Target locations
After spending a significant amount of time in Data Shuttle the last few months, it would be a great enhancement to be able to export/import files to multiple target locations. For example, I have a few sheets that 'refresh' customer data (ie. looking for new Customers, SKU etc..) weekly to add-on to the existing reports…