Data Shuttle Update not Updating



I have a Upload Workflow running where I am grabbing a sheet from a OneDrive location...

and targetting it to update a sheet in one of my workspaces...

No filters...

When Mapping I am using a Unique Identifer Column thats in both the source and target sheet and based off that number I want it to update the status field, and deployment date field on that row...

Run is on schedule but I've been running it manually to see if it will work

No Expressions...

When I run this manually it shows as in progress then it says it's completed but none of the Case numbers have any updates. Can't help but feel like I'm using this incorrectly.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!


Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Dakota Haeffner

    It sounds like a case of something being wrong with the Unique Identifier Column you've assigned. For some reason, SmartSheet must think the data in the source file and the column designated as the Unique Identifier Column have different values. Take a close look at the values you're using for that in both SmartSheet and your source file. I bet if you look closely something is different. It could even be something like the source file has quotation marks around the data but SmartSheet does not.


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Dakota Haeffner

    When you say that no rows have any updates, you mean updates to the Status and/or Production Deploy Date, right? None of the other things look to be mapped so those would be the only things able to get updated.

    Also, it looks like you're specifying a filename instead of using the most recent file option. Your screenshot shows there is something hidden after the "Daily Case Export" name. What is the hidden part of the filename? Is it a date or something that would change on your file each day? Maybe it's grabbing an older file than you expect so there's nothing to update?

    Have you opened the file outside of SmartSheet to confirm that there's a row that would get an update in the Status or Production Deploy Date?

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mike TV

    Correct the status and deploy date fields have no changes in the whole document despite the source document having several.

    I didn't see the most recent file option, however, I have an automation running to overwrite this file every morning. This means before the scheduled Data Shuttle run happens the file is new. The hidden part just has some department names and what not, nothing critical.

    I opened them side by side after a "successful" Data Shuttle run and unfortunately nothing carried over. :(

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Dakota Haeffner

    It sounds like a case of something being wrong with the Unique Identifier Column you've assigned. For some reason, SmartSheet must think the data in the source file and the column designated as the Unique Identifier Column have different values. Take a close look at the values you're using for that in both SmartSheet and your source file. I bet if you look closely something is different. It could even be something like the source file has quotation marks around the data but SmartSheet does not.

  • Dakota Haeffner
    Dakota Haeffner ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Mike TV

    You might be on to something...

    The Case number in the source sheet has a gap above the number. Now I guess I just have to figure out how to get Smartsheets to understand that number...

    Thank you for talking through this with me!