Data Shuttle -> Run Options based on Sheet Changes
It would be fantastic and a big save on computing power if there was an option for Data Shuttle - Run Options to be scheduled "Anytime changes are made to a smartsheet." I have many Data Shuttles that don't need to be run regularly, but only when updates are made to the source sheet. I believe this option would save a lot…
Data Shuttle - Notifications if Unique ID is Missing?
Hi all! I'm setting up a data shuttle to automatically update our records when we receive inventory reports from a third party vendor who manages our warehouse. The trouble is, we've noticed that some of our items have fallen off their reports, and we need to keep an eye on this week over week. I'm trying to see if there…
Data Shuttle: Missing Rows/Entries
I have two workflows in DataShuttles set up to track costs on a monthly basis in a single sheet. One workflow is called "Current Month Cost" and the other is "Previous Month Cost." The sources are excel files from an external database that I have no control over. Every month, I take the previous month's excel file and run…
Data Shuttle isn't running - what am i doing wrong?
Hello, i have an upload data shuttle set up to run on attachment. i cannot get it to run. i need help to know what i am doing wrong.
Please Allow Multiple Admins for DataMesh
Our team is really struggling to troubleshoot issue when the owner of a DataMesh or Data Shuttle is out of the office. Please allow multiple Admins and/or Editors (or, at the very least, Viewers) for these critical tools.
Data Shuttle Upload - Merge & Update based on key column value causing errors
Hello! I have a few Data Shuttle automations running between SharePoint / Power Automate created .xlsx files and a central repository in Smartsheet. Our key identifying point is a unique profile ID number, but we do need to use that ID number for our contractees when requesting a contract renewal. Due to this, during the…
Data Shuttle Run Options - on specific date or day of month
Provide the ability to modify the Data Shuttle Run Options to specify a specific set of dates etc. much like setting up recurring meetings in outlook. Example: End the run schedule on December 31, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Data Shuttle Issues
I get an CSV weekly with all the new hires at my company. After the new hire's start date is in the past, they drop off the list. I want to have a Data Shuttle that takes this CSV daily and updates + adds rows for every new hire. There is also about 20 columns that need to be filled out on this Smartsheet. I have tried…
Data Shuttle Not Updating Cells - Can Any one Assist
I have set up a data shuttle to export a list of e-mail addresses, with one other collum which is an autogenerated number which is the unique ID, this works fine. When I came to run another data shuttle to import this file into another sheet, I set up the settings, selected the unique ID to the autogenerated number collum…
Offload and Upload (Data Shuttle)
I was following the instructions here to automatically update dropdown values, but could not get the offload to work (as in the workflow runs successfully, but does not create a file). Thanks for your help.