Help with COUNTIFS
Hi Community! I am hoping someone can help me figure out how to correct this formula or create a new one. I want to count how often the regional VP’s name appears in a row with a date within a specific date range (quarter). Current formula I am using in a calculation sheet and referencing another: =COUNTIFS({TLH User…
Next Expense Date Formula
I need to create a formula that will find the next expense date based off 3 other column categories. The columns and their categories are as follows: Due Date (single date when expense is due), Program ( Men, Women), and Budget Impact (Income, Expense). For this formula I need to find and return the next expense date from…
Count based on Multiple Criteria & Dates
Hi, I am attempting to create a formula that would = Count the number of training items completed per team member and between two dates. I created this formula, it is giving me all Zeros: =COUNTIFS([Actual End Date]:[Actual End Date], <=DATE(2024, 1, 1), [Actual End Date]:[Actual End Date], >=DATE(2024, 12, 30),…
Calculating past date from a January Birthday
I thought I had this all figured out a while back, until diving back in now I notice that a handful of my dates are not working correctly. I figured out it is all of the rows where the person has a birthday in the first couple weeks of January. I want to take the birthday and create a date range that a survey can be…
Change default date format for the organization
The current default date format is MM/DD/YYYY for all sheets in Smartsheet. Many people in our organization dislike this format and opt to change the date format for individual sheets they are working on to be in a different format, such as DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD. The issue is that when different departments and teams…
Create Formula in Sheet Summary field to pull only Month from another Sheet Summary Date Field
I have a date field for projected go live date for projects in my Sheet Summary. I would like to add another field with a formula that will display only the Month Name in another field so that when I run the Sheet Summary report I can summarize projects going live by month. I would appreciate any guidance!! Thank you!
Unparsable IF( & Gantt
I'm trying to make my Gantt display carry my current projects out with a hidden "completion date" row and IF= code, but it won't work. If my unhidden completion date cell is blank, I want it to autofill todays date so my gantt will show current projects, but if my viewable completion cell has a date in it, I want it to…
Entering 2 digit year should bring the future year in the default setting.
We have resource data in the Smartsheet so we can easily create Reports for managers and other purposes. For active employees, we have [End date] set up as 1/1/50 as a default. when I enter as 1/1/50, it'll return 01/01/1950 instead of 01/01/2050🤦♀️🤦♀️ 1. When I manually enter 1/1/50, this will turn into 1950 not 2050.…
Google calendar like option or work around?
Hey I have 2 columns that show different dates that I would want to see together in the calendar view. Has anyone figured out a work around for this or a clever formula to make this work? Hypothetically, for example: I would like to see the Packaging Release Date, Photography Shoot Date, and Copy due date.
Why is the Date function not working?
I want to calculate the first day of a month based on the "created date" column. I tried using Year Function to get the year, then the Month to get the month and last column calculates =Date(([Yearcolumn]@row),([Monthcolumn]@row),1) Yet I get the #INVALID COLUMN VALUE year and month formulas are set on number format What I…