Smartsheet University
Allow people to bookmark trainings/classes they would like to take in the future. From what I can tell, there is no way to save classes you want to take later. Then if I cannot take the class at that time, you need to find it again later.
Pull data from one sheet to another with same words
Hello, I am fairly new to SmartSheets - I am trying to figure out how to pull data from one sheet to another that would have a names in common. I.E. Sheet 1 has a course name of Smith AR Training. Sheet 2 has the Region Name as Smith in one column and then a contact person in the 2nd column. Because Smith is listed in both…
Modifying a date based on 2 variables
Hello Everyone! I would like to create a formula that says If the value in the "Variable" column is "HIGH" AND the date in "Column 1" has a year less than today's year, return that date with TODAY"S year. Otherwise return that date unchanged. In other words, dates in the previous years are brought to this year, dates in…
Using Countifs with multiple references to other sheets
Been playing with this for a while but can not seem to get this right. Any help would be appreciated =COUNTIFS({Editing List-3-2018 Range 2}, >=(DATE(2018, 7, 1), {Editing List-3-2018 Range 5}, ="Name"), Date:Date, <=(DATE(2018,6,30), [Assigned to: Editor]:[Assigned to: Editor],="Name")
#CALCULATING Error - Incorrectly Stating Over 100000 Cells Referenced
Good morning, I am receiving a #CALCULATING error for the below formula: =COUNTIFS({Mobile Unit Data Form Range 15}, =1, {Mobile Unit Data Form Range 3}, "EMPLOYEE", {Mobile Unit Data Form Range 1}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = MONTH(TODAY()), IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))) Range 15 is a checkbox, Range 3 is…
Using ISBLANK with a checkbox cell
I'm trying to create a formula for my sheet that is counting a total number of items in the sheet within certain parameters, I've gotten the formula down for most of them but where I've run into issues is that my final formula either needs to be based on a column that is a checkbox OR if another column is NOT blank. The…
Finding a Smartsheet Contractor
I'm looking for information on how to find Smartsheet contractors to set up a complex project with dashboards and reporting as well as train our team, document the process, etc. Is there an existing discussion on this topic? I'm looking for any available guidance that anyone may have to offer. Thanks!
Is there a formula to get the average of star ratings?
I have a column that is only star ratings. I am trying to the get the average rating of the entire column in a sheet summary field. I tried to just do the average formula for the column and got the #DIVIDE BY ZERO error. Is there a formula that can calculate the average without having to create a helper column to translate…
Automated Workflows Limit
Hi Is there any limit to how many "automated workflows" we can create in a single sheet? Asking because one of my projects is expected to have approx 30 automated workflows in it.
Certified Smartsheet user on the look out
Hey friends, Anyone hiring experienced Smartsheet user, if so let me know! 😁 I've been using Smartsheet for 6 years, it's so much a part of my daily work productivity and I'd like to seek out another opportunity where I could transition my skills and background in program management into. I've gain so much knowledge and…