Enhancement Request: Allow downloading Activity Log
Allow some means to download the Activity Logs from one or more objects that support the logs. This could either be locally when viewing the source or buried in the Account Admin menu if determined to be a SysAdmin function. We do not yet have access to the data via the API (I posted on stackoverflow requesting this) I…
Activity Log Export
Is there a way to export the Activity Log once filtered? We would be able to use this for our metrics. It would be a huge time saver and really make SmartSheet that much better for us! I am sure this could be used in this manner for other companies as well. Thank you!
Dropdown CELLs? Please, oh please
Multi-select dropdown columns is great, but I was hoping that the common community request of having dropdowns specific to cells could happen. I currently have hyperlinks to another sheet, but it isn't ideal. Something like the Data Validation in Excel.
I need a better way to print/share Gantt charts
Hi, I frequently need to share Gantt charts - in project reports, presentations, proposals, etc. I find capturing the Gantts a real challenge. I know how to print them, but it often spans several pages and is essentially unreadable. I know how to make it fit to one page, but with the grid lines, it's pretty hard on the…
Importing\Uploading Information
I know you can create a sheet by importing a document into SmartSheet and having it auto-create around the information; however, how do you continue this? IE You take a sheet from Excel, that will continue to be used, and import it into SmartSheet, then you want to update the information in the SS later by just…
Integrate with Bank Feed
Can I integrate a sheet with my bank (Lloyds) to automatically download new statement lines every 30 mins or so. I have to login to my bank and copy the data across all the time and would like to automate it if possible.
Resource View by Month or Quarter
The resource allocation is a great addition to Smartsheet. I need to be able to see allocations by week, month, or quarter, not just by days. Is there a way in Smartsheet to do this? If not, how can I do so via an Excel export? Thanks!
Card View - Card Layout
We use smartsheet as a CRM/Project management. Each Row is a new project we are quoting. In the rows we have over 25 different columns. The way we usually view and enter data in them is in card view. The problem is I would like to change the layout when viewing in card view, not just the order they are in, but actually…
Enhanced Color Options?
It would be really great to have more color options for formatting our Smartsheets. Having a color picker that presents a broader range of colors or allows us to enter Hex codes or RGB codes would be a really helpful enhancement as some of the default colors are too bright or distracting. Having the ability to modify the…
Apply Formula to Entire Column
I'm trying to automatically apply a formula to an entire column that concatenates info from cells in a given row into a document name, once data is entered into those cells. The only way I've been able to accomplish this so far is to just copy/ paste or drag the formula as data is entered in a new row, but I'd like it to…