Logic for Required Fields on Forms
I have a form that I am working on where I would like this logic: If box is checked, then field is required I spoke with support and they informed me that this is not a currently available feature. What I'm trying to do on my form is have it so if the user checks a box that they want someone to reach out to them, then they…
Order form: Select Multiple Items and Different Quanties. Simple right? Nope.
I need HELP! There is a department in our company that fulfills office supplies orders from other departments in our company. They want a simple order form that people can use to order supplies, using Smartsheet. Simple, right? Not to me😊 They’re looking for the form to look something like this: …that spits out something…
Extract name from Team Column
I have a form where a user identifies all the people from different departments and input their names in the Team Column. There are times when people are not filling it out for various reasons (wasn't part of the team, forgot by the team member or the original created by user, etc..). I want to be able to check if the…
Allow Importing Form Field (Labels, Help Text, and Default Value)
Feature request: Allow Importing Form Field (Labels, Help Text, and Default Value) This could be accomplished by allowing, from within the form editor, to drag a field name into a box labeled "Label" or "Help Text" or Default Value". This would make the neighboring field to that field to inherit the value next to it as the…
Multiple Logic Requirements in Forms
Is there a way within a Smartsheet Form, two have a field only show if two fields are equal to a certain value? i.e if field one equals x and field two equals y show field three.
Is it Possible to Have a Form Pull From a Summary Field on the Sheet?
I believe I've seen that this isn't possible but wanted to check if anything has changed or if someone came up with a solution. I have a form where people sign up for a tour. In the main sheet I use the Sheet Summary to keep track of how many spots are left for the tour. I would like to pull from this Sheet Summary field…
Automating Data Mapping in Smartsheet Forms Based on Date Matching
I am using Smartsheets as a daily tracker for my prayers. I am creating a form for this tracker. I have a pre-populated Date Column and then 5 prayers columns with dropdown column options of yes and no. The idea is that every day at a specific time (end of the day) I will fill out the form and update the tracker via this…
Smartsheet Formula of The Week!
Hey Smartsheet Community! We're excited to introduce our DigitalRadius' Formula of the Week Email! Each week, we’ll share a practical Smartsheet formula to help streamline workflows and solve real-world challenges—all for free! This week’s formula: Flag duplicate values in a column to clean up your data and avoid errors.…
Sheet Title Formula?
Does anyone know if there's automation or a Formula where I can pull the Sheet Title into? For example, I want to create a "Project Name" column in a template that will bring the Sheet Title down to the row level. The use case is to then have a dashboard/report that will combine all my project sheet tasks into one. I know…
Links In Smartsheet Form Not Opening In New Tab
I have a bunch of links embedded in my form. When a user clicks on one of them, it opens in the same tab, negating any progress they made on the form. I looked up some solutions (putting '?&target=_blank' at the end of each link), and everything worked fine. However, after saving and refreshing the sheet/form, the links…