Dynamic selection of drop-down options in a form
Hello, I am interested in finding a solution to dynamically choose what options a drop-down list displays when a certain value is selected in another drop-down. As an example: We have Category 1 and Category 2 with the following options: and a form with 2 drop-downs - one for category and one for option. When the user…
Allow Screenshots to be posted into forms and update requests
It would be great if we could add screenshots when submitting a form or Update request, this would be really useful for things like surveys where a product was bought or for maintenance tickets being raised, et…..
Same form link, different sheet
Hello, For the purposes of the electronic good documenttaion practices id like to keep the same links for the forms during their life cycle. Can i keep the same link, if I use a different sheet? I though that copy-pasting the sheet will ensure this, but it seems like that it did not. So i guess i will have to keep using…
PDF Fillable form loses fillable fields after it is generated through Smartsheet
We created a fillable form using Adobe Acrobat and use that as the mapping for our workflow automation to generate a document. We require a digital signature after the PDF is generated, but the digital signature option on the form does not copy over through the generating of the PDF. The formatting has copied over in the…
Replacing all special characters in form query string parameters with a formula
Hello everyone! I am excited to be speaking at the "Leveraging the Query String in Forms" session at Engage 23! I wanted to share a formula that a customer and I developed to replace any special characters that could show up in cell when you are building a URL to a form with query string parameters using a formula. This…
Generate child rows from form and link to a specific Parent
I am creating a Grid for not. It will be used as a form for the data entry aspect. And the primary viewing choice would be calendar. Now given that, I initially started with a template, and then just discovered, I don't like the way it works. Below is the template I pulled. The last 2 records are what I entered via the…
Unable to add image in file upload feature on form?
We building a form/questionnaire and are trying to insert an image into a form as a form element. To do this we tried to add the "file upload" form element and upload the image as a file in the field settings. However, when we try to click "browse files" or "file upload" in the field settings, it does not allow us to…
Formatting not staying the same for new form fills
I noticed that in my sheets the $ currency column formatting or the align formatting do not stay the same as the rest of the column for new form fills. For example, before if I inputted in 100 in the $ section it would go to the sheet as $100 and on certain columns they would be automatically centered but now they just…
Use a form to create a parent row with children rows underneath it
I want to have the form be used to create a row with child rows underneath it, so I don't have to keep doing this manually
Form Responses Save as Draft Only on Mobile?
I use the Smartsheet mobile app on my iPhone and whenever I scan a QR code or click a link to a Smartsheet form, it’ll open within the mobile app. A few months ago, I noticed a new feature on the mobile app where my form responses would auto-save as a draft, allowing me to leave the form and return to it later to pick up…