Countifs Past 90ds referencing another sheet
Hi, I am trying to make a dashboard that shows the top 10 pieces of equipment with the highest number of issues in the past 90d. I have my primary sheet that collects the data (Primary), and a reference sheet I am using to collect a count. I am just struggling to have it filter the last 90d. Showing #invalidoperation…
WEEKNUMBER formula: fix issue when 31th december is in mid week
Good afternoon from Spain. I faced an issue with WEEKNUMBER formula. 30th december is monday, 31th december is tuesday. If we calculate their weeknumber, the answer is '1'. This behavior is incorrect. 30th and 31th december should be = 53 (week number). I wanna ask to fix this. When one of the last days of december are is…
Hello, What I first thought would be an easy formula has turned out to be quite a pain. I am trying to count the number of rows where one column matches the other. My formula returns #INVALID OPERATION. =COUNTIFS({Agent}, @cell = Name@row, {Offer Amount}, {Secured Amount}) The thing that confuses me is, even when i go to…
Help with TIME() Formula
Hello, I am testing out the TIME() function and working on a formula to determine the amount of hours and minutes elapsed between a Start and Finish columns. I thought I had it figured out, however, I noticed that for my row that has a Start time of 3 pm and a Finish time of 5 pm, it was showing a time difference of "1…
Naming Manager, Data Slicer, and Table reference functions for formulas, and LET, Unique, Sequence
Excel has leapfrogged Smartsheet in terms of ability to utilize data set, naming manager, dynamic data slicing, Dynamic Table formatting in excel sheets and new formula types LET used with Naming Once as reference, Unique provide back only unique values, Sequence able to order data values via formula, and several other…
RYG Formula linked to Status and Start and End Date
Hi Smartsheet Team, I am looking for help with a formula: I have a column "Schedule Health" that has RYG Balls I am wanting this to change color based on certain criteria from 3 other columns "Status", "Start Date", "End Date". Ball is GREEN if "Start Date" is 7 days from today (ie project has not started yet) Ball is…
Is it possible to autofill all cells in a column with a formula in new rows?
Hi, I am using helper columns to overcome what I think is a major missing feature - the inability to use formulas for conditional formatting (for instance, if a date in one field is after a date in another field). The solution proposed elsewhere in the forum is to have a helper column with a formula and then doing the…
IF(CHILDREN()) ? - Child inherits parent traits for entire column
I could've sworn I'd seen this but now I can't find it: We have a sheet for incoming project requests. Our general population can request multiple new mkt materials (printed direct mail, email, outlook MSG, etc.) for a campaign in a single 'ticket.' Then our PMO hotseat creates a new child row for each of those unique…
Need report that only shows fields that are NOT blank
Hi, new to Smartsheet but enjoying it so far. I'm building a report from multiple sheets that would ideally be a master list of all the rows that do not have a blank cell for one specific text/number column. The values within the column will vary widely but some will be blank, and I do not want to show the rows that are…
Select Multiple Values Using IF Formula In MultiSelect Dropdown
Hi Smartsheet Community, Recently I've been working on a column that allows me to assign required approvals based on certain roles (see below). I want to create a formula that can output an role if it's associated contact has been filled in or not. So for the example below, I would like it to output Project Owner AND Man &…