Nested IF Fomula help
Hi! Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my formula below? I am having trouble identifying =IF(ISBLANK([Contractor Name]@row), "No", IF(OR([Contractor Name]@row = "NA"), "No", IF([Contractor Name]@row = "RLM"), "No", IF([Contractor Name]@row = "Danny"), "No", IF(ISBLANK(Phone@row), "No", "Yes")))
Not sure why this formula is not working
Hi all, I have this issue where I'm trying to have Smartsheet automatically respond no to a column if the same person was requested before and said no already. IF they said no, the row would copy itself to the bottom and replace the one that said no's info with the next one requested. Thats where I would like smartsheets…
Calculating Due Date Based on 2 different criterias
Hello! I would like calculate the due date based on the date based on "Date Received" and "Type of Request". I have been doing this manually and it would be great to have some sort of automation by using a formula then that would be fantastic and save so much time. The challenge is creating the formula and I have not been…
Getting formula to deliver health symbols
Hi there! I'm trying to generate a health symbol for a column in my sheet and have created the below. I've indicated that the row is a "symbol row" and have successfully gotten my formula to deliver the the words "Gray" "Green" "Yellow" "Red" but it's not populating the symbol. Any help here? Is it a formatting thing or an…
Dynamic Formula
Hi! I'm using smartsheets to manage my business's projects and I have an automation that triggers when my PO checkbox is ticked, so that it copies the project over to a separate client sheet. Necessary so that I can keep all of my projects for Client A, B, C etc separate, for some specific calculations I need. (Mainly…
Countifs with two contains
Why does my formula show #UNPARSEABLE? =COUNTIFS({[Name] Initiative - RAID Log Status}, CONTAINS($[Column7]$120, @cell), {[Name] Initiative - RAID Log Action Owner}, CONTAINS(Input@row, @CELL)) $[Column7]$120 includes the word "open" Input@row contains a name Reference {[Name] Initiative - RAID Log Status} is a column with…
Formula for pulling in names based on different fields counted?
I'm seeking health with a couple formulas to pull in employee names when they are nominated for a certain value. I have columns for: Name, Value, Region. On my metrics sheet, I'd like to capture: Name (employee) with the highest vote count per value Name (employee) with the highest vote count per region Name (employee)…
Utilizing a Join formula while KEEPING a "%" character.
I have a column with multiple values inside it with a line break delimiter. It is a result of a Join formula which looks at more than 100 columns to join them together (there's typically no more than 3 values joined). The values being joined have a "%" after them in the source cells, but the join formula is not bringing…
Create a fiscal year formula
I include fiscal year on most of my sheets. Our fiscal year starts July 1, so I write a formula such as FY = if(Month(date)<7, Year(date), Year(date)+1). Would it be possible to create a FY formula in Smartsheet that returns the FY when provided a date and the FY start? FY(date,FYstart) as FY( mm/dd/yyyy, fymm/fydd )? Or,…
Function Question
If a cell is check marked "✓" then I want a cell next to it to show the value of another cell. Then I want all subsequent cells underneath to run a value of that cell plus the value of the previous cell(s) only when checked. How would I create the formula for that please? For example if N3 is "✓" then M3 equals value of C3…