Smartsheet Budget Formulas
Hi, I would like to know the formula for the due date of every month to calculate the receivables and Payables. For example, I have the data with amounts and due date of the payment. How can I input the formula, grab the amounts by the due date of every month. Please let me know.
Countifs formula using or
Hello. I am trying to count the RYG ball (in this case red) for each team. One of our teams is comprised of three sub-teams, so I need for it to be counted if any of those show a red ball. How do I create or for the Team section of this formula? =COUNTIFS([Overall KPO Status]:[Overall KPO Status], "Red", Team:Team,…
Hide or reveal a web form question based on answer from previous field
Is there a way to hide or reveal a question/text input field in a web form based on the answer from the previous question? For example, I am creating daily truck check forms for our paramedics and one question is "how many back rafts are there?". The dropdown list choices for them are "3", "Restocked", "Ordered" and…
Show days left in Smartsheet
Hi, I'm total newbie in Excel functions. I want to show the days left from a date. So I have the follow formula which works: =[Column-Name]23 - TODAY() This only works for row 23 of course. But I just want the current row in it so I can use the same formula in every row. So In row 8 it uses the date from row 8, in row 9…
Adding Workdays to a Formula
Hi SmartPeople - I am trying to create a formula that adds "work days" to a date. Example: I have a "Date Reported" column and a "Date Due" column. The "Date Due" column is a formula based column that should add a specific number of days (either 5, 10, or 20) based on a given priority in the "Priority" column. However,…
Parent/Children Conditions
I'm new to Smartsheet and am trying to set up a regular monthly task list. I have certain "parent" tasks, and under each are a few sub-tasks or "Children". I have a checkbox to show that each line is complete. Is there a formula in the Parent row to check the box if all boxes are checked in the Children rows?
Count If - Status Symbols
I am trying to count the number of cells that have Status (Green) in my status column i am using a dropdown with Symbols Green, red, yellow. I am trying countif but don't know how to specify the 'symbol' green. Any ideas?
Add workdays to date
There are some columns that will be used to manage my project, "% completion", "Start Date","End Date", "Duration","Today". Now, our tasks show their completion percentage and I can see in the Gantt Chart how far the tasks run in the entire time and some of tasks seems like a bit delay from today. Therefore, I want to set…
Formulas- Pulling dollar values from text string
Hello, I'am new to Smartsheets and trying to pull a dollar value out of a text string to put in an adjacent column. ACI - A/CP-BP 10k Type 2 Bullet Probe | 24" Leads $6.02
Counting A Range of RYG Balls at Once
I have researched and tried the various formulas for counting the RYG balls in one column from 1 row through 540. I have tried various formulas but I keep receiving and error. Can someone help me by letting me know what I am doing wrong? Here are few formulas I have tried. =COUNTIF(CHILDREN([Status of Completion]1:Status…