How do I convert Text (from a count) to a number?
Figured out how to use the COUNTIF to get a count within a column if a box is checked it contains a certain text in a dropdown, by changing the results to text (e.g., ...+""). However, what appear to be numbers are acutally text and I cannot sum them. Any suggestions how to convert? Thanks
time based reports?
I'm sure what I'm looking to do is not that difficult, I just can't find a way to achieve it. What I have is a sheet that consists of quote amounts ($) that are relative to a quote date. What I want to do is to look at how many dollars we have quoted that are on quotes a month old, 2 months old, etc. Ideally this would be…
RYG(B) Balls - How do I reference the value of child cells belonging to neighboring cell/column?
=IF(children([Finding Status]11)="Closed", "Blue", "Yellow") The above attempt is failing me (i.e., "missing or invalid parameters"). Any advice? Thanks! John
COUNTIF Formula for Week Of
I am trying to do a COUNTIF formula of a list of cells that contain dates to determine if any of those dates end up on a given week. I think I need to use COUNTIF and then have a > and < on the date but am not sure how to do this. I could also reference the Monday DATE() +4. Anyone have any ideas?
Display report data rolled Up?
Hi there I’m currently running an exercise where we are asking a group of 30 users 10 sets of questions each. Each set of questions has its own web form so there should be 10 responses from each user (300 separate rows in total). I have this working fine. The users have requested a ‘dashboard’ which would allow them to see…
Update Request with "add/subtract" formula to an existing number in a row?
A bit new to SS, so this may have an obvious answer, but I'm trying to set up a sheet to track inventory of, say, a dozen products. The initial setup is obviously simple, but then I want to choose the product rows that contain inventory quantities, and set up an automated Update Request to my delivery driver via email each…
Add Years to a Date
If Term_Effective_Date = 12/07/15 and Terms_In_Year = 3 Years. What is the formula to calcuate the New Date? I need to add 3 years to 12/07/15. =DATE(YEAR(Term_Effecitve_Date2) + [Terms_In _Year]2, MONTH(Term_Effecitve_Date2), DAY(Term_Effecitve_Date2)) I am getting #NUMBER EXPECTED as an error. Thank you for helping!
% Complete column can only be updated manually?
Is it true that a % Complete column for a gantt chart can only be updated manually? It would be beautiful if I could use a formula which would update it automatically.
=AVGIFS Function Workaround
So there isn't an AVGIFS function currently in SmartSheet, but I still need to find a workaround. I came up with: =IF(AND([Project Manager]="Name",[Owner]="Name",[Project Status]="Complete"),AVG([Days to Complete]),"") However I am coming up with a "MISSING OR INVALID PARAMETERS error. I have pulled the averaging portion…
Sorting heirarchy numbers (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2) in reports
Hi everyone, I am using reports to merge 20 to 30 sheets and sorting them on multiple and different heirarchy columns (containing numbers such as 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2). This doesn't really work out of the box because the report sort is apparently just a standard natural sort and doesn't recognize this notation. I wasn't able to…