Help with Duration by assigned to formula
I need to sum the duration colums by assigned to if the status is complete. I am having so many errors when trying to do this. Can anyone help?
Linking within Sheet
I know you can use = to link cells within a sheet, but if I needed to link an entire row, is there a way to do that? Or even a couple cells at a time? I tried highlighting all of the cells I need to link & doing a bulk edit sort of thing, but that didn't work. Wanted to ask before I spent an hour linking a million cells…
creating formula to add many non-adjacent cells
I need to sum/add many (~120) non adjacent cells. They are all in a single column. When I create a formula and start clicking in the cells to include, I keep being returned to the bottom of the sheet where the formula is calculated. Then I have to scroll back up to the top of the sheet to access the next cell I want to…
Is there a way to select from a project schedule the next upcoming milestone?
Is there a way to select from a project schedule the next upcoming milestone. I have a flag column identifyng milestones and a column that calculates for just milestones the number of days between the task finish date and today's date and therfore the lowest value is the next upcoming milesone. I desire to pull the…
Using reports in Sights Metric Widget
Hi, Is there way we can use Reports within a the Metric Widget in Sights? I have a set up where I am trying to display "Counselor of the Day" in this widget, but my only option is to use the sheet as a source. When I do this, the link to the source cell is static and It only points to the cell that was initially selected.…
Clear Cells if Time Is
Hi, I'm looking for a formula to clear the contents of a column daily (preferably at a specfiic time). To give you an idea of what it is being used for; My sheet has a list of contacts and a yes or no checkbox column. Every day at a certain time an update request is sent out to all contacts listed asking "will you be…
Owner Task Counting and Reporting
How would I create a formula to calculate tasks complete (last 30,60,90 days), open, past due by owner similar to this screen shot which comes from the Webinar - "Manage and Track Tickets with Custom App".
Dates not lining up
My editorail calendar isn't lining up when I sort by date. My April dates are below July. I'm not sure what's happening with the formatting.
Counting Child Rows of Un-Checked Boxes
Any tips in how to count child rows where the check box is not checked? I tried CountIF but it does not seem to work Thanks Elaine
Conditional Formatting based on a cell text formatting
Hello hive mind. I am familiar with IF statements and Conditional Formatting, but I am not seeing a way with either of those for the followng. I would like to set a Conditional Formatting Rule to highlight a row to a certain color if the text in a particular cell is in bold. There does not seem to be a way with Cond. Form.…