Convert date format to mmm-yy
Does anyone know how to convert a date in dd/mm/yy format to a mmm-yy format with a formula like =TEXT([Start Date],"mmm-yy")? Thanks.
SUMIF invoice totals from the past 6 months
Hi- I have a sheet that I input invoice amounts into for multiple outside contractors. I have the name of each contractor as a parent row and their invoices as the children rows. The columns are date, invoice number, billable items, amount and code name. I want to create a formula above all parent rows that would SUMIF the…
Automatically Sum rows that have the same value in a specific column.
I would like to sum up the hours of a job according to what job number it has. This is going to be used as a Time Sheet. Therefore, mass amounts of entries are going to be sent to this report. I would like it to automatically sort the information and then sum up the hours of multiple cells that have the same job number in…
Sumif for date ranges
This did not seem to be covered and I'm hoping to find a formula without adding extra columns to my sheet. Curently I have a secondary column separately maintained which lists months and I Sumif by this secondary "month" column. I would like to Sumif based on date ranges. Not simply from today() but actual Date A - Date B…
Merging the text of 2 cells into 1.
Hello, is there a way to merge the text of 2 different cells into 1 please? I have tried several versions of this but I get different error messages. =(([cell]1) &” “&([cell]2) Thankyou.
Send emails with live links other than web links
It would be great to have the hyperlink feature not just be limited to web sites. If I could put a link to a file located on my network, I could then send a notification or send a row and the email that would be delivered would allow me to click on that link to open the file or network location locally. Ex: A cell has a…
Sheet Size
I have sheets that vary in size but most lean to the larger size due to the amount of formulas in the sheet. I am looking to see if on average people are choosing to have more sheets and less size or less sheets and fill the sheets to the top. I have done alot of work to all of my sheets and some have had to be divided. If…
Fetching Parent Cell value for Children Cells
Hello, I would like my Children Cells to fetch their value from the Parent cell. Is it possible? Will it be possible soon? NB - I do not want to fetch the value from the "cell reference" of the parent ("=[Related Invoice]1 ")
Formula to include new data added to my sheet
I have set up a formula that works very well however it isn't taking into account new entries added to my sheet. For example my formula is on Row 1 under the column 'total' I then have other information in rows 2-15 so therefore my formula on Row 1 starts from row 16 to give me the total I want into Row 1. My formula in…
Combining Formulas
I am currently using 2 columns to identify tasks "Due in Next 2 Days" and "Past Due/No Schedule". I have been trying to nest the two formulas together to get the status in the same column. How can the following formulas be combined togateher: =IF(AND(Due6 <= TODAY() + 2, NOT(Due6 < TODAY()), NOT(Status6 = "Completed")),…