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Using a Child cell as a constant in the Grandchildren cell formula

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

So I have a Parent row, Children row, and Grandchildren under the Children row/cell.


On the Grandchildren row I want to take the Child cell divide it by the Parent cell and then multiply it by a cell on the grandchild row. I think I have a good formula - if I just can figure out what to call or how to indicate the Parent and Child cells.


I want to use the Children row/cell as a constant in a formula on the Grandchild row/cell. I have a formula that I think will work but I don't know what to call the Children row/cell.


=([Column A]ChildrenCell/[Column A]ParentCell)*ColumnC


I know to make a cell constant I would use $ in front of the row number. But since the row number may change depending on how many Children I have, I think there must be a way to indicate going to the Child for the Grandchildren.


Help pleaseUndecided Thanks! 



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