Progress % based on status with cell linking
Hi I have two sheets, one acts as a master file for top level view only, the other is a more working doc. On the working doc, I have added a progress column, calculating the percentage of progress of the project based on the progress i.e. =IF([Activity Status *]@row = "Not Started", "0%", IF([Activity Status *]@row = "On…
Sheet Column for Missing Attachment
Hello, I'm pretty new to creating functions for columns and wanted to see if there is a way to have a Missing Attachment column displaying Yes or No depending on the attachments themselves for the row? It seems like the attachment "paperclip" itself can't be leveraged as a filter in the Work Insights graphs. Thanks! Jim
Index Match with multiple sheet references Help.
I am trying to use the index/match function across multiple reference sheets. (Formula #1 works but just across on reference sheet) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row, {Team X Five9 Username}, 0)) (Formula #2 does not work across multiple reference sheets) =INDEX({Team X Email list}, MATCH([Five9 ID]@row,…
How to Divide Across Sheets?
I am trying to take a value from the same column & row on a separate sheet and divide it by 160. I tried to go super simple and just do ={Sheet reference}/160 and got invalid. Any ideas on the best way to do this?
Help with formula in calculating time of service
I am working on a column formula (Years of Service) to calculate the years, months and days as of TODAY from the employees’ benefits service date see formula below I am using. =YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR([Benefits Svc Date]@row) - IF(DATE(YEAR([Benefits Svc Date]@row), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) < [Benefits Svc Date]@row, 1,…
Pie Chart from Two Sheets
Hello I have two sheets that are in effect the same - same column headers etc, but different source data feeding in. I have a sheet summary on each. For example, if column 1 has a yes/no option, I do the following on each sheet: =COUNTIF([1. Internal Process]:[1. Internal Process], "yes") I now need to be able to combine…
Help with a NETDAYS formula
I have a formula in my sheet that is counting the days of an assignment since it was assigned. I would like it to stop counting once the row is marked complete or a date of completion is added. For example, in the screenshot below, the 37 in row 4 should be a 36 since the "Date Completed" column is filled in and/or the…
How to count total number of requests submitted?
Hi, I am trying to find a formula to count the total number of requests submitted in my grid. I want the formula to count the number of request ID's displayed. I want to use this number so I can display a metric on the dashboard. I also want to use a formula to count the number of "In Progress" requests and use this to…
Need assistance with Resource Management formulas
I've got a sheet going that lists all of my active projects. Each project has a deadline (in its own "Deadline" column, Archives Department remaining hours (in its own "Archives Hours Remaining" column), Digitization Department's remaining hours (in its own "Digitization Hours Remaining" column), and Platform Department's…
Adding a Formula within an "IF" statement
Hey there, I was wondering how I would tell the sheet to read a cell and IF the requirement is met it would generate a value otherwise, run a formula. So something like, IF( "Total Deposit Paid" = 0 than generate "0" otherwise generate "=SUM([Gross Rent]@row - [Rent Credit]@row + [Rent Debit]@row)" Thank you!